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发布:6/25/2015 11:58:11 AM作者:pinwaiyi.com点击:1246

For those native teachers who don't have any teaching experiences


I have a lots of those foreign teachers that from the native speaking countries that don't have any teaching experiences and they wants to work in china as a foreign English teachers and want to get a job in china as soon as possible, i can only say that this is a little bit hard for them that even though they are from the native speaking countries but sill it will take a lots of time for them to get a suitable job, but the only thing that i am sure is that i can not guarantee to get them a job in a very short time, cause they really don't know anything about the teaching, so this is really bad for them and they just have to wait for this, because i had those experiences before that i sent their documents to the school and after the school checked their document just pass it, the reasons is that the school concerns that they don't have any teaching experiences so that can not hire them even though they are from the native speaking countries like the united states of America and Canada, and UK and Australia so many of them that don't have any teaching experiences and want to come to china to get a job and work as a foreign teachers, so what can i say to this, they are just poor people of the natives, so if they have teaching experiences before or even just for few months, then it will be so much different and i can guarantee that they can get a job in china in a very short time, and i can help them to get a job in china as soon as possible, so this is not a problem at all, i can handle it, this is not a problem at all.

And if to teach in the middle school or high school, so those teachers that don't have teaching experiences can not get this job, because the school will want to hire someone who at least have teaching experiences before, or better to have middle school or high school teaching experiences before then is the best for them, so for those teachers that even though they are from the native speaking countries that once that are not experienced before then the school will not consider them also, this is very common, so what i do for them is that to get them a kindergarten job or training schools jobs that teaching kids, so for those type of schools that they don't care about the foreign teachers teaching experiences too much, and instead they cares about the foreign teachers outside looking more, cause they need the foreign teachers good image to get them more and more students so that to gain more profits, so that's why that for those schools that the kindergarten and the training school can accept the foreign teachers that don't have any teaching experiences but they must have a very good outside looking, like the guys are must handsome and the girls must beautiful so that can improve their schools image and to attract more students to their schools so that's why, but most of them are willing to teach a higher level just because of this i have to find them something that is lower than what they expect, and at first they just can not accept it cause its so far than what they want but after i explain to them the reason why and told them the situations how its like in china, and after all of this they just become to understand and willing to accept my offer, at least for a try, so this is a good thing that i always tell them that you can start from here and after you gains more experiences then you can think about to teach primary or higher levels, but for now for the beginning they should just stop hoping this because it is not possible and no schools can hire them, so they understand now and wants to take the jobs i get for them.

Well, is it always good to do things that is right, i have also been in this kind of case before, it is same to everyone, it does not matter that you are Chinese or foreigners, its all the same, its all about the getting dreams close step by step, so no need to rush cause the more and sooner you such yourself then the faster and harder you hurt and destroy yourself, and after this you get nothing at all in the end, just waste of time and a lots of energy for nothing, this is really bad and not to so this and not even a try.


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