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发布:6/25/2015 1:30:27 PM作者:pinwaiyi.com点击:1240

Foreigners in china


There is something i really doubt is that most of the foreigners in china, what are their really purpose to be in china, there are some that i already know for sure is that most of the foreigners in china are looking for jobs and teaching English as a foreign teacher, the reason why they come to china and work here i think is because they can not get a very good job in their own county, and they can not find out any solutions and they are poor and very much in need of money, just there are not way for them to get better job and earn money in their own country that's why they just choose to come to china for a try, because they have heard or knew that in china there are jobs for them and they can easily get a job and the pay is good which they can not get such a good job opportunity in their own country so they just decide to come to china, and also there is another reason that most attractive to them is that they knew or heard that the Chinese girls are very nice and kind gentle and easy to get, also faithful to their man, so the most of the foreigners come to china is looking for girls i mean the Chinese girls, so that's the main purpose sometimes, and as i know that there are a lots of Chinese girls have married with a foreigners, its become very common now, and even there are few has married with a black guy the Africans, this is really funny, which is most people can not accept it.

Also there is something i know about the foreigners is that they are more players, and not someone who ca trust and reply on, especially to get married with, you have to be very careful with to marry him, i really suggest not to marry with a foreign cause they are not responsible people and they don't care about the marriage not like the Chinese, they can divorce and get marry again many time, i had many those foreign friends they are all this kind of type, and you can not imagine that this is their culture, they don't really care that much about the marriage and the divorce, its like to take off and on the clothes to them, very common and normal, so how can you give yourself to a person like this, even the Chinese guys are much more suspect now and how about even the foreigners, i don't think this is the right thing to do and i think this is unreliable, and wasting of time to a relationships with a foreigner, but just to be friends is ok but not to marry, this is what i think and also most of the Chinese think the same way, is just that there are some fools that choose to get marry with a foreigner and spoil her future and her body for nothing, i am sure that in one day they will regret for what they have done, and till that time all will become too late for them.

There are people around me that married with a foreigner, some of them are my closest friend, and some of them are my family members, so what can i say to this, and there is nothing i can do to change it, so i just let it go and the only i can do for them is that to pray that they will not get abandoned so fast, or better not to get abandoned then is the best for them, but those kind of things who knows? They can only bank on themselves, there is nothing i can do at all really, and the only thing is that they can discover and realize by themselves that the foreigners can not be trusted on then it is the better thing for them, otherwise nobody can help them.

But to be honest, i really don't want my friends and my family members none of them to get hurt from any of the foreigners, it does not worth it, and its wasting of time really, and they are good people and they deserve a better man to get marry with and the protect them with a true heart, this is the right thing to do but not just waste damn time with the foreigners, i really don't want to see them to get spoiled with my eyes, its painful for me and i feel i am guilty cause did not let them do what is right even if i knows the truth, and i felt bad and also felt they get hurt because of me, because i did not stop them to do the wrong things.



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