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发布:10/15/2015 4:00:32 PM作者:pinwaiyi.com点击:1367


British accent teachers in china

There are a lots of foreign teachers are come from the UK, they are many here in china, some are already working already got a job and some are still looking for a one, also there are some of them has already get married in china they got a chinese wife and had a family here in china and there are here in china just for business and cooperations, so different people have different purpose and different way of life, but the only one thing in common is that they all have a british accent, sometimes the british accent is quite hard to understand and listen to, cause they have a very hard accent not like the americans, they are quite different from the american accent, many people has noticed that the american accent is very easy to understand and very easy to listen to, but the british ways are just very hard to speak to pronunce, and also very difficult to understand, is what people has all agreed with, and when i talk to the britain people, if i can not understand what they are say and not get the meaning of them, then i will always ask for a repeat, but still if i can not get the point then i will ask them to please speak slower cause i can not catch them, then till the third time i will definately get their meaning, well to be honestly its not easy to communicate with the british people just because they have very hard accent, and another thing is that they way they are thinking and dealing with things are so strict and too seriouse, it makes things are hard and complicated, this is something i dont like and also most people dont like too.

But there are some schools in china want teachers only come from the UK, and they can not consider any other countries at all, cause their way of teaching and the system are all in the british way, so thats why they need teachers from the UK only, and this is more perfession and required strictly with the foreign teachers, so when i face this kind of case there is no other way, just to check the teachers that is come from the UK and try them if they are suitable to the school and the positions, so probably they may match to the school and once they pass the interview with the school they the school will offer them a contract, and after signing the contract then they definitely got the job, so this is the procedure.

Also there are some english teachers that comes from the Uk they just have a very high and strict requirement for the job, for example like the school they must be a university or high school, or must be public school, and can not and never accept training and private schools, they must be offered the salary no less than 15000rmb or more, if the schools can not fit their requirement then they will never consider about the postion, this is very seriouse and too strict and thats what british people do like i said they are just too seriouse with everything they dealing with, and if there is anything that is not match to their terms they can turn it off, i really can not understand them and the way they are dealing with things, its too cold and too seriouse make people really tired of it, include me i am really dont want to deal with people like this, too hard and too much trouble, i dont want this, but there is nothing i can do so when i have those people i have no choice i just have to deal with them even if i dont like it, this is life and my job.

Some of them can not teach kids, because of thei culture and style, so teach adults are more fit them, you can see that very few of them are teaching kids in china, in kingdergarten or training schools for kids, very few sometimes are none of them willing to teach in this kind of schools, and more of them are willing to deal with older students and adults, cause it fits their more and more like it, and most of them are like to teach in the colleage or universities, its the fantastic job for them that most of them are willing to take a job like this, cause they dont have much work to do in the colleage or university and they are have more than enough time to explore other things and have time for themselves, so this is good options for them always.



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