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发布:10/15/2015 4:04:21 PM作者:pinwaiyi.com点击:1277

Foreign teachers from the Middle East

I have a lots of foreigners friends that are coming from the Middle East, the Arabic countries. They are many here in china working as a English teachers and also for business and some are already get married with a Chinese girl and having family here in china. Well its just become very common now and for those who has already had a Chinese wife they will be able to speak Chinese very well, and also they know china more better than others, they know well about the Chinese history and Chinese culture and many other things, its no longer secret for them, but there is something i need to say is that the Arabic people are all Islam they are all Muslims, and there are a lots of roles for this religion many forbid things and conditions, i really admire those Chinese girls who has married with a Arabic people, it really needs a lots of courage to do this, its not easy at all, and i really admire then cause if it is me i will never do it not even a try, well i really have so many different opinions about the Arabic people, to be friends is good but i can never accept to get marry with them i think its not rational, cause they are difficult people to deal with, and they can even marry with many wife its legal in their law which is crazy for me.

But i have to say that they are really nice people and also very handsome but not to get marry just good to be friends to me, this is how i look at it, so now they are many in china, and some are having a great job already, some are still looking for one, there is only one thing about them is that some of them don't have good accent so which means it will be a little difficult for them to get a job in china, even though they had teaching experiences already before but that can not help much, as long as they don't have a good accent so its still very hard for them to get a job in china, cause most of the schools in china the first thing they look at is the nationality of the foreign teachers, of course most of the schools likes to hire the natives but also some don't want to hire the natives, so the second thing they will look at the outside looking of the foreign teachers, then third thing they will listen to the accent of the foreign teachers, and last the school will consider about their teaching experiences, so this is all the schools care about, even though you have lots of teaching experiences before but just you don't have a good accent then the school will not consider you as well, so this is very serious and also the most important things to the school.

About the religion of the Arabic people the first thing is that they don't eat pork, for the reason why they do this i still did not figure out till now, but i can not understand this which does not make any sense to me, but this is the roles for all of them, they all don't eat pork, and the fa male must wear something to cover their face and hair, only the eyes are outside but all should covered, this is crazy i really don't understand these people, i think its so wired and crazy i really can not understand them at all, well i don't have the right to judge them but still i can not accept all the terms about them and their religion, but its good for them, these are the fine roles that everybody knows, but there is the most crazy thing that i can never figure out is that they can marry with many wife like 4 or 5, and even accepted by their law, so which means it is legal in their country to marry with many wife, wow this is ridiculous, i don't know what to say to this any more, but only one thing is that its good for their guys but poor for the girls really, in the world is only the Arabic nations can do this, the others will never do such things like this cause its not legal and it crime in their country of course china too.

But some times i have to look at them as very good people too cause not all of them in their country to have many wife, its only the rich people who can feed all the wife that he married with and then will be allowed to marry many wife, but the poor people are not allowed to marry with many wife cause they can not feed and keep them, i notice this from one of my Arabic friends.


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