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发布:10/15/2015 4:19:43 PM作者:pinwaiyi.com点击:3142


How to deal with your visa to work in china


Here is the seriouse questions that how to deal with your visa if you want to work in china as a english teacher, as you know that you should figure it out by yourself firstly that what kind of visa do you want to come to china, cause there are so many different type of visas and it all depends and also have different ways to get it, so you need to know by yourself first that what chinese visa do you want exactly, some foreigner teachers want z working visa only before they come to china, so they want to get a z working visa first before they come, so that they will have no problems at all with working in china, and they are 100% sage working in the school and they can never have any problems, but the only problem is that to get z working visa needs a long time, normally one to two month, so this is really a very long time, and it needs a lots of documents, like the bachelor degree and tefl or tesol certificate, and no less than 2 years working experiences and also needs to medical check and no criminal record certificate, so these are the requried documents for the z working visa, so you need to get all those documents ready before you can get z working visa, and also you need to be qualifies as the requirement of getting z working visa and then you can think about to get a z working visa before you can enter china, so here is the problmes that some peole thouht they can get z working visa even they are not enough qualified and this is very wrong and of course not that kind of easy other wise everyone can get a z working visa, of course it has its own requirements and only the people that is fully qualifies then can apply for this z working visa before come to china.

So i helped many of my friends to get a z working visa before comes, though it is difficult and takes very long time but anyway we got it, and we did a very good job, and they comes to china and working now in the school very well, and also get their money constantly every month and enjoying the life and teaching in china, well this is really amamzing and incresible and i am so proud of them and myself too, so there are also some dont want to come with a z working visa cause it needs long time to get it and also they are not qualified to get one z working visa, so they just prefer to come with a tourist visa and then when gets to the school and study a tefl or tesol course online then once you got this certificate then they can get their z working visa without any problems, so this is what they will do and the fact tells that this can really work out very well and also successfully, so finally they got their z working visa as they always wanted, its just that it takes a little bit time and also needs to wait for the peocedures, but for those that dont even have a bachelor degree then they can never get a z working visa, it is for sure and not possible for them to get a z working visa, cause bachelor degree is one of the required documents for the z working visa and also very important, so for those people i suggest you to get a students visa or M business visa to continue your working in china, but sometimes that the school are not qualified to get them any visas but the good thing is that about the visa fees can be negociated with the school so which means that the school can help you to bear with the visa fees, so at this time you can find a visa agency to do your visa or to extend it, it is not ard to get a visa agency in china at all, they are many in china expecially in guangzhou and shenzhen, so you can get one agency to handle your visa for you easily, but you have to pay for your visa, thats all so for those people who are not qualified to get z working visa, so i suggest you to do it this way, it is easy and very fast also very convienient for you and the school.

There are some teachers that are already in china now and they dont need the school to support with their visa cause they can handle the visa by themselves and they also know how to do it they have their own way to settle this so this is very good and also the very big advanteges too. 


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