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发布:10/15/2015 4:33:43 PM作者:pinwaiyi.com点击:1892


How to keep good relationships with the school that you are working for

To get a teaching job in china is not that easy so to keep good relationships with the school is also the most important thing to do and it is very seriouse cause its related to your job, so if you can have good relationships with the school then it will help a lot and it can keep your job very well and also makes your job easy and your life also comfortable, but if you have problems with the school that you are working for then better get rid of it as soon as possible and dont ever let it to effect your work and your job, so this is a very seriouse thing to deal with, and you really have to be very carefull, and try all your best and all the possibilities to make it perfect, so that it can be very helpfull, for you and your job too.

I have been facing a lots of this problems before, that my foreign friends had all kinds of problems with the school, so when the problems that they can not handle anymore then they willl need my support and i will do all that i can do to help them to settle the problems with the school. And let the both party be all right, and will be able to cooperate and continue the cooperation, so this is the most important thing to do, so most of them are ok and they can handle with the school by themselves and they did it very well, but some can not, and they can even cause more and bigger problems so i really hope that i can do something to help them and also help the school out of all the problems, so sometimes if you can do your job well and dont cause any troubles for the school, then the school will be good for you and make everything easy for you and also to take care of you very well and more than what you can imagine, and the school and all the teachers the students and even the parents will like you and love you so much, and they will be so nice to you and wish you can work there in the school for a very long term and hope you can continue the teaching in the school so when you contract ends they will love to extend it with you cause of your perfect job that you have made, so this is will be the wonderful happy ending, and win win for the both parties, but in the other side if you can not handle the relationships with the school very well and always causes problems for them, of course they will not be satisfy with you at all, and they will always complains that how you caused them troubles and how you did not do your job well, and you dont obey their rules and conditions, this is not what they want, and they are no longer like you again and they just want you to leave as soon as possiblem, so you see how it works? It can really effect you and you job, also make a very bad image of you and then you will find it so hard to get a job again in china, it is a very bad image and bad effections, and i really suggest you to be carefull to deal with the school and never mess with them, just try all your best to work with the school good and dont ever cause any troubles for them, cause no schools that likes this kind of teachers, its touble for them and also for yourself too.

The best way of dealing with the school is to listen to them and try all your best not to beak their rules in the school, because they are the one to hire you and they are your emloyer so they pays you salary every month, you should not to mess with them other wise there is a seriouse bad consequences and even as bad as you just loose your job directly, so please do not just loose your job like that it is very bad and not the right ting to do, you should know that to get a job in china is not that kind of easy, so when you got one you need to cherish it and work hard for it to keep your job, and take it seriouse and do your job very well, dont ever cause any toubles to the school and for yourself too, to start a good teaching career and lift yourself up and get respect from other people, then you will finally get what you want exactly and also be the winner of your job and your life too, so you really have no choice so once you choose it and once you make a decition you need to be comletely responsible for it and the same with your job and your school too.


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