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发布:11/16/2015 3:14:04 PM作者:pinwaiyi.com点击:1245


Teach in elementary schools in china


Lots of foreigners wants to come to china and works in the primary schools only, and this is a very good choice to make, anyway to teach in the primary schools is very good, and most of the primary schools are public primary schools and normally they dont have much work to do and very less lessons and no office hours required, so the primary schools have the most reasonable time schedule, and you are for sure enjoy it so much, they normally work from Monday to Friday, and have 2 days off on weekend at Saturday and Sunday, and only few classes per week, so the job is very relaxed and enjoying and also in the primary schools the students are bigger enough and not like the kids, so they are ok to deal with and not much pressure like teaching with kids, so its a good option, but also to work in the primary schools are also need to meet the requirement, the school need someone who has teaching experiences and who are more qualified and more professional and more responsible teachers, so for those teachers who are familiar with this conditions can apply for the positions, and if not then better check our some other opportunities, so the primary schools are very good schools in china so of course they also need better and qualified teachers too, so this is the point.


So for those teachers who are too young or too old are all not suitable for teaching in the primary schools, cause the schools needs someone who are matured and who is at the good age for them and more important is that they need to be well experienced teachers, so after all these then the school can consider about the it, other wise they will not even take it into the considerations, so this is the reality and i hope that who you apply for teaching jobs in china please also notice about this, and it will help you a lot and also to avoid you to waste your time for such kind of issues, so not all foreigners teachers can teach in the primary schools and not just as you wishes, cause the school themself also have their own concerns and also they have requirements for this positions too, so i suggest you better to plan yourself very well so that can make sure that you make the right choice and do the right things and stop waste for you time for getting nothing, it is not wise and better dont give a try, just be clear of what you want and who you want to be then you will get the right way and make the right choice, all you need to do is to be serious with it all the time, and then you will be right there, it is just the matter of time.

Another thing is that for such kind of jobs primary school jobs are more in the north of china than the south, cause the south part of china are more have the university jobs not the elementary schools, so the north are more having those primary school jobs than the south, so you can choose by yourself but please do not care so much about the locations, cause north of china is also beautiful, and have its own special beauty of what south dont have, so you should not concerns about the locations so much other wise you are going to loose good chances easily that way and its not good at all, and also not good for yourself too, so better be wise and make the right desitions and also make your life better with your job.


So anyway to teach in the primary schools are the good options to choose, and also its a amamzing job and you will more like it and enjoy with it so much, also have funs with the students and also have lots of free times for yourself, you can even do part time jobs if you want, to make more money and have extra hours, so it is good and easy for you to do it, also it will make your career really good, cause of your primary schools teaching experiences so after that you can lift yourself up and get better and greater opportunities one you complete the contract with your current school, so you can choose to work in the international schools or even colleage or university, its all good options, so its all up to you and your hard working. 


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