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发布:11/17/2015 9:47:34 AM作者:pinwaiyi.com点击:906

How to get uesd to of teaching life in china


there are lots of foreigners teachers(外教) wants to come to china every year, and they are really love to teach in china and willing to have a great time here in china and gains more money and also enjoying their teaching life here in china, well this is a good idea and also the best way of living lifes, so now i just want to share some of my experiences with helping the foreigners teachers to get uesd to of teaching and living in china, well at first you dont need to afraid or worried about anything, and dont give yourself too much pressure, you just gonna let it go with nature and relax, there is something about china and the chinese people is that they are great and kind hearted, also very friendly and easy people to work with, so just be nice with everyone and stay friendly then you are most welcomed in china and in fact everywhere in the world is the same thing, so if it is the first time you come to china then better learn more about it before you come into it, you can learn it from the internet or from your friends or family, and then you will have the basic notice about china and the chinese people, they are very nice to get along with, so the only problem might be the language, but now there are more people in china can speak english, so i think it will not be that difficult, but if you willing to learn chinese language then that will be much more helpfull for you and your career and your life in china of course, so anyway to learn chinese will not be wrong choice to make, so here is for the reference.


But whatever is the care that things will be easy untill you make it to be easy, so you need to make yourself a easy person to talk to and to get along with then things will be easy for you of course, and if you make it hard and for sure that nothing will work out for you, so just need to be good and also be good for others too, so once you are in china, first of all the school which you are working for will be the first party to be responsible to you, and you have to try all your best to work with the school in a good way, and to cooperate with them as good as you can, cause they are your employer and they will be paying you every month, so that is the most important party that you need to get along with firstly, and then after that you can try to make friends with some chinese people, they can be your colleages or your students, or friends outside, it dont really matters, so as long as you have chinese friends then it will be very helpful, they can help you with your chinese language firstly and then they can tell you a lots of things about china and the chinese people that you never known before, so this is the very important thing that you can lean more than youc an imagine from your chinese friends, so that you will rise yourself up in china, and it is good for your career and also for your life in china too, so be good with your chinese friends cause when you are in touble and they can help you out directly, and they will take care of you all the time and also be caring for you and want to be your best and true friends forever, so please cherish them when you have them, cause you dont know when you will need their help.


When you are teaching in the schoo, just do all your best for your job and let the school teachers and the students even the parents to like you and love you more, cause it will really be good for you, and also it is your job to do too, so once you have made this done sucessfully then you will also gain succed in your teaching too, and it is the big progress for your career and the school can nake you more sucessfull, you can not even imagine how powerfull it is once you let the school to admit your teaching and great job in their school, they can get you a higher salary directly and immediately and also they can offer you more and bigger possition too, so the first big thing is to do your job good, and let your school like you as more as you can , cause they can offer you a better opportunity and even greater than what you can imagine, so all i am trying to say is this the firtst thing is to do your job good and also try to make friends with the chinese people as more as you can.


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