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发布:11/17/2015 10:01:48 AM作者:pinwaiyi.com点击:940


How to get a suitable teaching job in china


I have been helping foreigners to get a teaching jobs in china for very long time, and i have been in filed for long time and i had lots of experiences about it, so most of them are willing to get a suitable english teaching job in china and start their teaching life in china and exploring the city and china, but not all the time get what they want, there is no perfect things and people too, so i suggest you to choose the most suitable jobs for yourself but not just perfect jobs, otherwise you will never get a job, so this is the truth that i remembered one of my firend before that he is looking for job, but in the end of everthing that most of my firends have got jobs but him, so here is a problem that the most you want to get a perfect job the most you are loosing jobs, so in the end get nothing, so this is very seriouse and no kidding with it.


When you dont know with your job at first then you just need to stop and relax then focus to think that what you really want, and what do you want to get in life, what is your goal and then make your taks, then you will realize that what kind of job you are looking for exactly, and then you will never loose yourself and you will always find a right way in your life and never get lost, so this is really good thing and also the right thing to do, so if you are more qualified and you also have lots of teaching experiences then you can try for more perfession and higher level of teaching jobs like the university jobs and colleage jobs, or if you can also accept the training centers then you can also try for the adults teaching jobs in training schools, its all good for you and more specific and more perfessional, so those kind of jobs can fit you better and more suitable for you, so you can take it into consideration, and for those teachers that dont have much teaching experiences and even are not qualified then i suggest you to try the kingdergarten or kids training schools, so those level of teaching jobs are fit you better but never even try the higher level of teaching jobs of course you can never get one and its for sure you will fail, so please be careful with the job that you are choosing and you need to know yourself better then anyone else and get yourself a good and also the most suitable jobs, so this is very important and i advice you to pay high attention to it cause it will needs a lots of time and more complex percedures for you to get a job and in fact it is the same thing with everyone who wants to get a teaching jobs in china. So its all the same thing and no exceptions, so if you are getting a suitable then you will be very happy to work with it and will also gains exactly you are expected for, but if you are getting a wrong job and which does not fit you very well then that will be wasting of time and of course you will not like the job and you will be so upset to work with it and it will not last for long, so problems will becoming more and bigger everyday till you loose the job completely, you see this is how it will works, so to get a suitable jobs for yourself is very important.


Some foreigner teachers has been wasting times with the wrong jobs, it happens very offen and also some of them have lost their way in teaching and dont know what fit them better and dont know what they really want, so this is very bad, i mean at least you should make it clear to yourself that what you need and who you want to be then the other people can help you, but if you dont even know what you want by yourself then no one can help you of course, so now when my foreign friends make wrong decision and get a job that is not suitable for themselves and then i will try all my best to correct them and make them to make the correct choice and never rush it, so this is very important to them and also to me too, i dont want my firends to waste time for nothing and i want to help them to get the best and most suitable jobs for them which is the best for them too, so i am so happy to do all my support, and it seams that not that hard to get a good and suitable jobs once you put your heart into then you will find it so easy to youself a stuitable job.


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