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发布:11/28/2015 10:13:21 AM作者:pinwaiyi.com点击:1075


Standard about the accomodation of the school


All foreign teachers wants to live in a private individule accomodation with furnature and appliance complete, and they all wants to live more comfortable in their apartment, no one wants to live dirty and uncomfortable, so most of the schools in china offers a private individuel accomodation for their foreign teachers, and the school also will try their best to let their foreign teachers live in the school more comfortable and happy, and also find their apartment just like home so sweat and warm home, so the school will try all their best to satisfy their foreign teahcers, like they will provide basic furnatures and internet in the accomodation, and also heart in the winnter and air condition, also provide some cooking and sleeping staff for their foreign teachers, just to make their life easy here in china and also in the school too, some schools even provide personal assistant for the foreign teachers to guide their way out in the school and also in their life, to go to shopping and tourist guide and also loving care in their normal life living too, so this is really good for both the school and the foreign teachers, the only thing is that the different in living campus and off campus, it really has a lots of different, normally the foreign teachers dont care so much about it but there are some foreign teachers really cares about it so much, and some can not even accept living in campus, its so hard and terrible for them, and it causes their so much troubles and inconvienient, so they dont want any troubles and inconvienient, they just want to live their life like all chinese did, they want their own schedule and their own life but just not in campus, so for this problem really have to negociate with the school.

There are also some toubles in the accomodation too, there are some foreign teachers who is not seriouse and reliable can really do bad and terrible things to the school and the apartment, even to themselves too, for example there are some bad teachers can steal things in the apartment and run away from the school, and caused so bad image to the school and to themselves too, so this is very bad and i hope this can never happen again, it will just make their own country looks very bad and no good at all, so here i write this just to notice all foreign teachers so please obey the regulations of the school, other wise it will not help at all and make yourself look bad and also cause toubles to the school and yourself too, which is not good and you better deal with the school carefully and gentlely, and never mess with the school, just need to do your job good and behieve yourself thats all, if you dont like this job then can negociate with the school and then they will let you leave and dont do anything bad, it is not rational at all, and also causes terrible impact too, which is not wise at all, and please once you are in touble just be quiet and think and never do something with no rational thinking, cause you can never know the consequeences of things if you do wrong, it can be big damages and which you can never imagine, i really dont suggest it, so please think it over carefully and the consequeences of it before you do things, so that you will not regret for the decition you make, anyway this is the right thing to do.

Also there are some misunderstanding for the accomodation too, once we say standard then it really dont not make any sence, cause standard have different requirement in different areas, like the school accomodation condition are also depends on the locations and citys too, like in beijing and shanghai all these big citys must have a high and good standard for the accomodation and in the small citys in china, the school may not even have any standard, and once you are there in their apartment you may even feel so upset of their standard, cause it will make you feel so disapointed and mad, cause it can not satisfy you at all, and you will feel so bad about this, so here i say that different citys and areas have dofferent standard, so please dont charge it before you see it, this is the way it is and you need to get notice of this matters.


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