全国招聘外教 多、快、好、省   188-8885-0127


发布:11/30/2019 9:25:15 AM作者:Lisa点击:759


做这个外教行业几年来, 遇到过几个朋友, 其中英国James 属于最好的朋友,他很很纯正的英国人, 也很帅气。(查看男外教) 他对于钱的态度 ,不同于其他任何一个我所接触到外教, 甚至是不同于任何人。



 他在我的学校贵州高中待 了一年半, 期间表现的很好。 学校很喜欢也很认可,贵州相对于其他城市,不好安排外教, 薪资也不高, 但是他很喜欢待在哪里。可能那里让他找到了自信, 学校人文环境很好, 消费不高。他喜欢旅游,但是不逛景点,只是去探索一个城市的人文地理。 他很礼貌, 属于英国很绅士的那种纯正英国人(查看英国外教)。

 他总是给我讲很多过去他的事情。 比如他的女朋友, 比如他生活, 其中最让我感动的是他关于钱的态度,他总是说:Everything will be fine  ! What will be will be. 他给我讲过一个故事,说在菲律宾的时候,他遇到过一个女人, 在一个凉亭里,烈焰婆娑, 说丈夫和他离婚 , 带着孩子木有钱生活, 说想借他一些钱 , 依照我们的思维, 我们应该是那个妇女应该是骗子什么的,但是James 说他给那个妇女一些钱,那个女人说要地址,但是James 说不需要。 我问为什么,他说那些钱他很容易赚取 , 而且那个女人真的很需要钱, 我问你不觉得是偏人的吗?他说她从她眼睛里看到了恐惧和无助 。他能分清楚。    这样看来James 是不缺钱的,但是不是,他每次挣的都不够自己花, 有一次还冲我借钱。他说他之前是个画家, 开过画展,有自己的公司和房子,最后亏空,因为什么原因没有说。最后离开了那个伤心地。 才来到中国。最近一次又有一个很亲近的朋友借钱,但是木有换回来,最后知道是这个朋友赌博, 所以他一点也不生气,说那些钱让他看到,了解到一个朋友, 很值得。(查看全职外教

他对于钱的态度,也给我举过一个例子:Think of it this way, a poor farmer may not have much but he will have food to eat, a loving wife and a small wealth, however a successful businessman may become a glutton and eat himself into an early grave, he will have lots of wealth but gamble it away and many lovers but will end up in trouble.

他说他之前是心理咨询师, 我就问他我总是很担心自己,总是为自己的将来做打算, 他就给我讲了一个故事:



There was a man spoke with an oracle/mystic who could tell the future, he asked the mystic, “when and how will I die?”, the mystic replied “tomorrow at 12:00 you will die from something falling the sky falling on your house”, the man was displeased and very scared by what he had heard and quickly left, he thought to himself ‘if I know what will happen, I can change it’ so he packed some belongings and travelled for many miles and moved into a new house. This house also had a shed, the man then remembered the words “...from the sky on your house”, so he hid inside his shed at 12:00, nothing happened at first. He came out of the shed and said “fate and destiny! I am still alive! I have won!” At that moment an aeroplane fell from the sky and crushed the man to death.   The aeroplane had crashed due to a faulty engine     And the aeroplane had been torn apart during impact, some parts hitting his shed, some parts hitting his house. 




