Flip out 有两个意思。可以是对好事儿(good things)也可以是对坏事儿(bad things),比如说:
- WOW!!! I just got Google Glass!!! It's so cool!!! I am flipping out!!!
- 哇!!!我拿到了谷歌眼镜!!!太酷了!!!我激动死了!!!
- If I could get a front row seat to Justin Bieber's concert, I would definitely flip out!!!
- 如果Justin Bieber演唱会我能有张前排的票,我绝对会激动得发疯!!!
- If I don't get some coffee as soon as I wake up, I flip out。
- The weather sucks. The heat is killing me. I'm flipping out!!!
Freak out 和flip out是同义词,除了有和flip out一样的意思,还有害怕(scare),吓死人的意思。
- Did you see the gigantic cockroach in the kitchen!?It's sooooooo gross!I'm freaking out!!!!!!!
- 你看见厨房里那只巨大的蟑螂了吗?!太恶心了!吓死我了。
- Chill out!Just kill it!!
- 别紧张!消灭它!!
3)Veg out 放松
- I don't want to do anything this weekend except veg out on the sofa.
- Count me in!!
- 我也想!!
告诉白洁你碰到过什么让你flip out的事情?是好事还是坏事呢?