全国招聘外教 多、快、好、省   188-8885-0127


发布:6/7/2024 3:31:05 PM作者:Lisa点击:698




In order to further enhance the internationalization level of our Institute, fully achieve the goal of cultivating international, interdisciplinary, and practical talents, and meet the demand for foreign teachers in foreign language teaching, we are now publicly recruiting outstanding foreign teachers both domestically and internationally.


Job Descriptions 

· 专业方向:英语、德语、葡萄牙语

· 招聘岗位:全职语言类外籍教师;合同期为1年,到期后经双方同意可续聘。

· Specialty areas: English, German and Portuguese.

· Job positions: full-time foreign teachers for language courses; the contract duration is one year, and it can be renewed upon negotiation after the expiration of the contract.



1. 遵守中华人民共和国法律法规和学校相关规章制度。无违法犯罪记录,无未了结的法律、案件纠纷;

2. 语言教学类外籍教师原则上应从事其母语国母语教学,并取得大学学士及以上学位且具有2年及以上语言教育工作经历。取得教育类、语言类或师范类学士及以上学位的,或取得所在国教师资格证书或取得符合要求的国际语言教学证书(如TEFL或TESOL证书),可免除工作经历要求;

3. 身体健康,具有良好的个人品质、严谨求实的科学作风、健康向上的心理素质及善于合作的团队精神,应聘人年龄一般不超过58岁(条件特别优秀者可适当放宽年龄要求)。

1. Abide by the laws and regulations of the People's Republic of China and relevant rules and regulations of the University. No illegal and criminal records, no unresolved legal and case disputes;

2. Applicants for Language Teaching should be engaged in the teaching with mother tongue as well as with at least a degree of Bachelor and 2-year teaching experience. However, they are not required to provide working experiences so long as they have Bachelor's degrees or higher in pedagogy, language teaching or education, or they have national or international language teaching qualification certificates like TEFL or TESOL.

3. Candidates must be physically healthy, with good personal qualities and a rigorous, realistic, and scientific working style. Candidates should also have healthy mental quality and good team spirit. Candidates are ideally under 58 years old (those with excellent conditions could be placed less restrictions on the age).


Duties and Responsibilities 


· 工作任务:担任口语、听力、写作、阅读、母语国家本土文化等课程的教学工作。

· 工作时长:14-18课时/周,另根据学校工作需要,参加相关教学研讨、学科竞赛指导,以及学校开学典礼、毕业典礼等教学活动。

· Location: Yubei campus and Qijiang campus of CIFS

· Tasks: To teach courses in speaking, listening, writing, reading and culture of their native countries.

· Workload: 14-18 class hours per week plus other supporting work for the college such as teaching workshops, English competition tutoring, and participating in some activities like opening ceremony and commencement.




If you are interested in this position, please send your resume with the cover letter to the E-mail of International Cooperation and Exchange Office. 

电子邮箱:wsc@cqifs.edu.cn    陈老师


Email address: wsc@cqifs.edu.cn   Miss Chen

Address: No. 18, Longshi Road, Huixing Street, Yubei District, Chongqing, China 401120 (Chongqing Institute of Foreign Studies)


About Us


Chongqing Institute of Foreign Studies (CIFS), founded in 2001, has two campuses in Yubei and Qijiang districts, which offer a beautiful environment, fresh air and rich cultural experiences. At present, there are more than 24,000 students enrolled. The Institute now has 12 schools (departments). It offers 41 undergraduate majors in six major disciplines, including literature, economics, management, art, engineering and education, and students come from 29 provinces in China.

学校以人才培养为中心,积极探索“外语+”人才培养模式改革,致力于培养国际化、复合型、应用型人才。近年来,学校聚焦国际教育,积极开展国(境)内外交流与合作,与11个外语语种20余个对象国的50余所高等院校建立了校际合作关系,实施学、硕、博多层次联合培养项目,开展师生互派、学分互认、资源共享等合作,为本校师生走出国门开设了本科双学位、3+M 本硕连读、国际班、交换生、短期研学、境外实习实训等多渠道、多种类、多语种联合培养项目,也为来华学生开展学历教育、交换生、短期访学和语言培训等项目。

Centering on "foreign language+" talent developing, CIFS actively explores the reform of talent training and commits to cultivating international, interdisciplinary, and practical talents. In recent years, the Institute focused on internationalization and actively carried out exchanges and cooperation domestically and internationally. It has established school-school cooperation with more than 50 tertiary institutions in 11 foreign languages across 20 target countries, implementing multi-level joint training programs which cover bachelor, master and doctor education. Meanwhile CIFS also offers joint training programs for undergraduate students including dual degree programs, 3+M master's programs, international classes, abroad exchanging, short-term research programs, and overseas internships. It has also provided academic education, short-term visits, and language training programs for international students.






We sincerely welcome 

outstanding teaching professionals

from around the world to join us! 

Candidates with teaching experience

are preferred and recommendations are welcomed.

