全国招聘外教 多、快、好、省   188-8885-0127


发布:10/27/2014 5:51:18 PM作者:pinwaiyi.com点击:844

原标题:Me and foreign english teacher Eunice


Eunice she is a very beautiful balck girl form Ghana, she is very lovely and nice, and of course she is my good friend and i like her very much, there is one thing i know about the Africans is that if you will like to make friends with them , and then they will definately loves to be your friends, is just that they knows very clearly that they have dark skin and afraid of people look down of them, as they know that their country is not strong enough, so they will cherish is so much if you like to be their friend, that’s it, that is how i meet Eunice and we both had a very good relationships, and she tought me lots of new things about her country and Africa, and i loved is so much that africa has a huge resource of the world, such like oil and diamand, and so many others, its also a very nice place to visit and tourism, there are lots of things that i love most about africa is the egypt and the south africa, i loved the cultural of egypt cause itself has a very long history cultural background, i love its history its very beautiful and mysterious, i hope that in one day in the future that i can get a chance to visit egypt and south africa, and see its beautiful country and culture, so Eunice told me that she has been in there before, i really liked it and she told me so many things that i wanted to know about these country and also she shared lots of her pictures that when she took in there, it was really amazing, hopw i can be there in one day with her, so it must be a lot to know to hear and to learn and to share.


So as i said that my friend Eunice she has been in china for long time, so she told me that she loves china very much and wants to stay in china and work and live here in china for very long time, or even may be forever, so she told me that she love the chinese culture and the chinese people, and they are very nice people really and has been so kind to her and helping her a lot, so she also said that she loves chinese language and she wants me to be her chinese teacher and teach her chinese all the time, so i said i would like to teach you chinese language, so there is no problem with it, so she was so exited with it, and after that every week on the weekend we will be together for the chinese study, we always go to the cafe near by me, cause that is a very nice and quiet place, so after some days of study i found that she has a very big pronunciation problem with some words, but i have been very patient with her, so it did not take long time that she improves alot and can speak basic chinese very well and can do some simple conversations with people, so that she find it easier to live in china.

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So after that i also helped her a lot in finding some jobs in china, so i started to help her to get some good job agency for her, and let her to choose the ones that she wants to contact to, and the one that she trust on, so after that i helped to make some phone calls with them and to tell them her basic information and where she wants to work, her visa status and her teaching expericences, also help her to send some important documents to the agency, also we did very good job and after that it did not take so long time for the job agency to get back to us, so there are some jobs options for her, so i helped her to check with the jobs and choose the best and the most suitable one for her, so during that period it was really very busy for both of us, we have been make phone called and do some research online, and also attended so many interview with the schools, so this staff are keeping us really busy, but finally we have decide to choose the one in the north part of china, in the inner mongolia, the shcool is a very good and nice school, so they will take care of my friend very well, that’s why i told her that his school can be trusted and also can work for them, cause i have beening talking with them a lot, and also Eunice herself likes this school so much, and would like to go to the school and sing a contract with them and work in there for a long term.


菲律宾外教 wj22470712 的简历,本科,希望找全职的工作,越快越好到岗,6000-8000(Yuan/M)2014-10-27 17:04:48
其他外教 wj22469865 的简历,本科,希望找全职的工作,越快越好到岗,>11000(Yuan/M)2014-10-27 17:02:47
罗马尼亚外教 wj22468558 的简历,本科,希望找全职的工作,越快越好到岗,8000-11000(Yuan/M)2014-10-27 16:41:12
美国外教 wj22466215 的简历,本科,希望找全职的工作,越快越好到岗,>11000(Yuan/M)2014-10-27 16:26:41
南非外教 wj22466908 的简历,硕士,希望找全职的工作,越快越好到岗,6000-8000(Yuan/M)2014-10-27 16:17:47
法国外教 wj22464609 的简历,未知,希望找全职的工作,越快越好到岗,8000-11000(Yuan/M)2014-10-24 17:11:47
法国外教 wj22463065 的简历,硕士,希望找全职的工作,越快越好到岗,>11000(Yuan/M)2014-10-24 16:45:20
法国外教 wj22462021 的简历,硕士,希望找全职的工作,一个月内到岗,8000-11000(Yuan/M)2014-10-24 16:37:56
其他外教 wj22458463 的简历,本科,希望找全职的工作,越快越好到岗,8000-11000(Yuan/M)2014-10-24 16:21:20
乌克兰外教 wj22460463 的简历,本科,希望找全职的工作,越快越好到岗,8000-11000(Yuan/M)2014-10-24 16:20:17
美国外教 wj22459932 的简历,本科,希望找全职的工作,越快越好到岗,3000-4000(Yuan/M)2014-10-24 16:18:55
南非外教 wj22456257 的简历,本科,希望找全职的工作,越快越好到岗,8000-11000(Yuan/M)2014-10-24 16:17:06
美国外教 wj22457394 的简历,专科,希望找全职的工作,12月初到岗,8000-11000(Yuan/M)2014-10-24 16:12:37
美国外教 wj22456516 的简历,本科,希望找全职的工作,越快越好到岗,>11000(Yuan/M)2014-10-24 16:06:57
南非外教 wj22455148 的简历,本科,希望找全职的工作,越快越好到岗,8000-11000(Yuan/M)2014-10-24 9:34:26

So it was really good, and i am happy for her that she found a very good job in china, and with a very satisfied salary and benifits, so she can live and work in there very well, so i am just feel so happy for her and wish her everythig is great, also hope she will like her jobs in there, and also like the place and the people.





