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发布:11/25/2014 10:32:17 AM作者:pinwaiyi.com点击:479

A good english teacher Kaka

Her name is kaka and she come from africa, see her name is very cute, i like it so much, and i also got her a chinese name which is also very nice, she is a very nice person and like to do  her job very well, the first time i met her was 3 month ago and she is looking for a job in china, and that time she was in qingdao, and she said that she can work anywhere in china and can start working immediately, so i just helped her to find a job and first of all i was just thinking that where she could go and get a job, so i just started to checking some information on the internet and see if there will be value informations i could get, so later i decided to make some phone calls and ask about the agency if can get her a job or not, but she is in a hurry to get a job and i think its a little bit difficult as she is in rush, but whatever is the case i will try all my best for you as she is my friend and i should help.

美国外教wj22575524的头像 加拿大外教wj22574286的头像 英国外教wj22573901的头像 英国外教wj22572978的头像 菲律宾外教wj22571199的头像 

And after that i got a job for her, but i just concern that its too far and she may not like to move there, the school is in yulin city, guangxi province, it is at the south west of china, and right now she is in qingdao, so i just try to tell her about the job and it was surprise that she said she can go there and also told me that its not easy for her to get a job so once she got it she will cherish it so much, so no matter where and what she will definately take the job, cause this chance comes very hard, and she will do all she can to hold the chance and not let it go, so at the moment i just admire her so much and also she is a hard working girl, and she knows clearly that there are so many africans in china and the job opportunities are very less, so she is not going to miss the chance if there is a job for her, which is very good thinking and also gains people’s respect for it, anyway kaka is a very good teacher and has a lots of teaching expericences and also loves kids and very nice can take care of her students very well.

英国外教wj22570669的头像 菲律宾外教wj22569200的头像 加拿大外教wj22568320的头像 美国外教wj22567240的头像 印度外教wj22565203的头像 

I feel very much comfortable and has nothing to worry about to get her a job, cause i know for sure that she will do her job very well with all the best she can, and also loves her students very much, so that is why i am helping her a lot with everything she do, well, she is really a very special african girl i have even met, and i like her very much and will always be helping her with all she do, and if there is any problem in china or any worries so i will always be with her and fix all the problems for her, and she cherish our friendship very much and she said that she is very happy to have me as a friend and she felt honered to have me and i am her best chinese friend, she even told me that if there is a chance for me to be in her home country so she will ask all her family to meet me and to introduce me to all her family and friends and let them know how greatful i am and she said that they will all likes me so much and i am highly welcomed in there, so i was so happy to hear it and also can feel the warmly big motions that the africans has to the chinese people, it is amazing and greatful, just makes you inspire a lot and been affacting from them which is really wonderful.


And after that i have been keeped in touch with kaka and she went to the school by train and it was really a long trip, it takes more than 25 hours by train, and she told me that when she arrives the school she just felt tired and sleepy, and the school has already waiting there in the train station to get ready to pick her up when she almost arrives, and when she get off from the train and sees the teachers just told them that to take her straight to her apartment so that she can have a good rest before go to the classes, and teachers are all been very nice to her and also cares for her a lot and wants her to have a good rest and no rush for the working so quick like this, so she took her to the accomdoation and she said she likes the flat very much, its clean and beautiful and also the teachers are made the accomdoation so much more feels like at home which is very sweet of them and this is really greatful for her.





