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发布:3/21/2015 3:08:57 PM作者:pinwaiyi.com点击:793

For those foreign teachers who stays in china for long time


There are a lots of foreigners who are planning to come to china to work and live here in china for long time and even forever, this is really interesting that i feel more proud to be as a chinese citizen that my county has become more powerfull now and more populor now in the world, yes this is for real now china is more important in the world and chinese language and culture is more attactive to the foreigners now, and for sure there are a lots of foreigners that who wants to come to china every year, they are coming and not coming alone, they are also coming with their friends or family or their fiance, so it creat a lots of chances and opportunities for the foreigners in china, so that they can use their knowledge to work and live in china.

I really like to talk to foreigners and make friends with them and keep a good relationships with the foreigners, i find out that this is the most interesting thing and i also get trained and improve my english by this way, well i really get what i want from the foreigners and they are all become my good friends in the end and we get to know each other better and better day by day.

At first the very begining i though that the foreigners who wants to work in china is just for wondering and challenge, and never though that they will think of to stay in china for lomng time and some even forever, wow this is really new for me and i can’t even believe it, but no matter what this is the truth, and the most interesting thing is that there are a lots of chinese girls and boys who are getting maried with the foreigners, and its even getting more and more everyday, but i really doubt this relationships won’t last long as many reasons of factors, but no matter what i think there are still a lots of chinese who are marring with the foreigners and having babys, this is unbelieveable, but it is the reality and the fact that what are really happend and even still happening now, so no body can change it, so what can i say and all i want for them is to be happy and last forever, its the same for the chinese people too.

There are a lots of very good foreign teachers who are already in china now working and living here, and some of them are even bought a house in china and live together with their family, so most of them can speak chinese, it is just that some can speak very well just like the chinese and some of them can only speak little sample words and sentences, so this is the differences, and i find out one thing very important that most of the foreigners are more focused in the south city of china, so it is because of the seriouse pollutions of the north citys of china, especially beijing and the citys around hebei province, so most of the foreigners dont want to work in beijing, and even the jobs are really good and fantastic but still because of the bad pollutions in beijing, so they will have to just reject to such good job offers, its really a big pity, but still there are also a lots of foreigners who are willing to come to beijing and work and live in beijing for a very long time evey year, so this is the most important thing that people comes and people goes all the time, its the normal thing and you just have to get uesd to it.

They more likes the south citys in china, like guangzhou, shenzhen, xiamen, sanya, fuzhou and shanghai, so this is very good options and those citys are really good and beautiful, the most important thing is that there is no pollutions in there, and the invironment is very nice and clean, and the wether is more warm than the north citys, and the also the south citys are more suitable for living and life, so that’s why most of the foreigners wants to come to the south citys and live and work in there for long time, and even live there forever, but only the foreigners but also the chinese are willing to live and work in the south citys, cause they are really most livable citys in china and even in teh world, like suzhou city, jiangsu province, they have the most traditional and cultural buildings which contains the chinese hitory traditional factors in are really fantastic amazing place in china.



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