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发布:3/21/2015 3:19:02 PM作者:pinwaiyi.com点击:1160

Foreign teachers who are not serious with getting a job


I have been in this filed for long time to get in touch with the foreigners and to keep a very good relationships with them, sometimes it is really hard but i will always to find my way out of all the problems, because i always believe that all the problems have its own solutions is just that you need to be carefully with what you are doing and what you are dealing with and then you will finally find the way out of each problem, but for those foreign teachers who are not seriousely with gettting a job in china i always deal with them like this.

First of all i will do all my best to help them get a job in china, and try all the schools for them which is can hire them, and set up interviews for them just like everybody does, and after all those procedures to be done, if they are still not seriouse with the job and waste my time for nothing then i will definately do something for them, so what i will do is that to put their name and passport copy on the internet and let everyone knows that they are not seriouse person to deal with and be carefull with getting them a job in china, so time by time they will be on the blacklist and it will become very much difficult for them to get a job in china again.

I know that it is not good enough to do it this way, but i just have no other choice, its they made me to do it like this, at the begining i was really wanted to help them to get a good job in china with all my help, but they just messed up themselves, so there is nothing i can do to help, that’s the only way i can deal with them, so later it becomes really seriouse with those people who are not really want to work in china and all they want is just for fun to joke with people, and make some funs, which is really wasting of time and also wasting of everything to deal with those kind of person, so i felt it does not worthfull at all, so i never wanted to deal with those foreigners any more, its really funny and making you to get angry all the time, i have had enough with it and now i just want to deal with the real people who are really want to work in china and get a job in china, who respect others at least, and i just want to work with those people.

But the problem is how to notice if the person is seriouse to get a job or not, this is a question, so my answer is that this need your prosessional skills to recognize who are the seriouse person and who are not in case of not to waste your time with a person who does not worth it, so what i do in this case is that to choose the right person and not to waste time with anyone, thats what i do and as well as others, cause i really dont understand those people, they waste other’s time and also waste their own times for nothing, it really doesn’t worth it, and in the end they get nothing and nothing, i really dont know the point why they are behieving like this, its really funny and no  meaning at all, its very silly and stupid.

And the most important thing is that they always contact with no only one person one agent to help them get a job, they always get many agent to talk to at the same time, so normally they are having a lots of offers in their hand, this is very interesting that what will they do if they fins out in the end that the person they are dealing with is not even seriouse with the job they are getting for them, so you can imagine right? They will really go crazy and noticed that they are wasting their time with a wrong person for nothing, so they will become very carefull with who they are talking to and who they are dealing with, so this is very important.

So you really need to be very carefull with your job, with what you are doing and who you are dealing with, and try all your best to deal with the right person and the person who is seriouse and responsible with what they are doing and also be responsible with others, so this is really the key the point that you can do your job better and not to waste your time with anyone who are not seriouse, so trust me after a long time practice in this case and then you will get more smart with your job, its for real.


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