全国招聘外教 多、快、好、省   188-8885-0127


发布:4/3/2015 4:17:01 PM作者:pinwaiyi.com点击:949

Finding jobs --trust us firstly


   I have worked here about one month ,to be honest ,i really like the job not only related to my major ,but also a happy thing offer jobs for foreigners.i am a person with pleasure helping others ,especially the thing being succeed, i will also feel happiness.but meanwhile ,i also meet some foreigners who are not have a good view about finding a job .

   I learnt about some foreigners really want finding a job in china ,expecially they are still in abroad.but i have some words want to share with u .hoping u could think about what i share with u . I will make sure we will do our best to help u finding a job ,as that is our job ,it is our responsibility . We are sure to do our best to offer jobs for all of u . But what u should make sure is that u want us give u a hand ,u should trust us firstly !that is the basic respect . U always said chinese do not have polite .how about u ?we search jobs for u for free,but u even do not trust us ,how should we do .

   I really meet some foreigners who do not trust us ,they doubt everything of us ,so if u think we are cheater ,why u choose us to help u ,it is really funny. I meet a foreigner who asked us to find a job for her ,that is ok ,no problem ,but u want us finding a job which offer z-visa,but she does not have university degree .how should we do .the chinese police requires applying z-visa with university degree.she told us she will not accept a illegal job ,but u are illegal firstly ! U do not have university degree firstly ,then u need us offer a job with z-visa.are u kidding me ?! I really do not want to say anything about that kind of people ,by the way,she still stays in her country waiting a chinese job .

Passport is very important for foreigners ,we all know that ,like others worry about if others will learn about their private information from the passport .we just want to claim again we just want to make sure where are u from by your passport ,u could deal with your private information by computer or other ways firstly ,we are not interested in that ,as lots of foreigners pretend to come from other countrys so that getting a better job .so we need to prevent that thing happened.we need to learn about real information ,although u are non native speaker ,we will also do our best offer jobs for u ,but using fake passport or even do not show passport to us ,we make sure will not offer any jobs for u .hope all of u are clear with that.showing your necessary documents is our deadline .do not touch the deadline,please.this morning a foreigner who asked me whether has not offer jobs for her,i checked the dialogue and found that have not show me passport although i asked lots of times .so i ask for passport again ,she still do not want to show .for this kind of foreigners ,like what i said to her :i do not want to say my words second time!

U choose us finding jobs for u ,we thought u trust us firstly .if u won’t ,we are sorry ,we can not offer any jobs for u ,not only us but also school need identify your nationality by your passport firstly .we have a coopration with school ,so we have the responsibility to make sure what we offered is real.so hope u could understand us .we will not offer jobs for u no matter how good u are without showing your passport.

I really know how important the surroundings for learning english ,so we are very happy so many teachers want to come to china to teach chinese.we are grateful for that .meanwhile ,we also hope all of u respect us firstly if u choose us helping u. That is the basic politeness .that is very important for us! We really hope we could understand each other and have a good time with each other.

We are the agent in china introducing jobs for foreigners no matter if in china .we really have lots of jobs for u ,but hoping u could use a better way to contact us .we meet a foreigner who are in abroad ,and she think the e-mail is formal ,ok we could send job positions to u by e-mail ,but if we have some details or questions want to ask u ,if we need send them one by one and waiting u reply me one by one by e-mail?we could waiting u the reply ,,but the school will not wait u .so never complain about we have not sent jobs for u !we need a way to contact each other timely.if u insist ,we could not make sure whether the school will waiting for u by e-mail each time.


Through the one month working ,i really think it is very important for each other about the trust.almost everything needs trust ,if not ,how should u talk with each other ,what u will talk about? It will be the truth words?all are the fake .how should be succeed about the job.the easyest way is do not choose us if u do not trust us.we are all foreigners for each other ,u do not trust us ,how should we trust u ,we have lots of jobs waiting the foreigners who did not come to school,although they promised they will.we spend lots of times on searching jobs for u ,hoping u could be serious with that.if we find a situation that u did not follow your promise without any reason ,we are sorry u need find others to help u.

What i said just a few foreigners,we really hope what i said won’t happened again.finally hoping all of responsible foreigners who want a teaching job in china contact us ,we are waiting for u!


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