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发布:4/14/2015 4:49:47 PM作者:Lisa点击:1097

English teachers who are come from ukraine and russia


I have a lots of english foreign teachers who are come from the russia and ukraine, and they are looking for a job in china, they are many here in china, but if its before there are not much ukrainians and russians in china, cause china is not so good enough for them in the past, but now is different, china has changed and more stronger and power now than before, there are lots of foreigners now here in china, they are from the native countrys and also non native countrys, and also include ukraine and russia, the reason why i like them so much is because i was lived there for many years when i was studied in there, and i learned a lots from them, they are kind and nice people, and russian language is difficult language to learn, really i am telling the truth, its really very difficult, more difficult than english, and as for now there are no much people to learn this language, and its not the mordern language to learn, but still i like it and i have already learned russian language very well, i also have a certificate in russian language, its a nice and beautiful language and i like it so much, the people in russia and ukraine are very very beautiful, they are famouse in the world because of this, the girls in there are very very nice gentle and beautiful, they are having angel face and sexy body, so beautiful, and also the guys are very tall and handsome, i likes and loves them so much, they are the most beautiful people in the world, cause they are really too beautiful and i like to make friends with them.

But the only problem is that they are having a little bit problems with speaking english, most of them can not speak english very well, they are not good at in speaking english, and in their country, there are not so much people speaks english, cause they are all russians so english is not their language, but they are having the most good outside looking in the world, so now today there are many ukrainians and russians in china who are looking for a teaching job now, and now here i am to help them to get a job in china in a very short time, so thats what i do, i help them because i know them very well, and i can even speak good russian with them so it makes things more easier to them, but there are still some fo them who can speak english very well just like the natives speaking countrys, the reason why is because they are used to study and live in the foreign countrys especially in the native speaking countrys, so thats the reason why they can speak english very well, because they have been trained outside of their country, but most of them can not speak english very well, its only few of them who has been lived in the native speaking country that can speaks english very well with a excellent accent, so its not a problem for me that wether they are having a good accent or not, i will always do all my best to get them a job in china as soon as possible, bause i know the way how to help them, and because of they are having very good outside looking so this is their big advantage then others and even the native speaking countrys, they are not having the good outside looking as the russians, they are just normal, though they also having beauties but not as good as the russians, cause they are most beautiful people in all over the world, so this is their big advantage, really this is the truth and i really admire them so much, and also feel so proud as to have them as good friends, and they also likes me so much.

And there are such kind of schools in china which is only want the most beautiful foreigners to come and work in their school, cause they cares about the outside looking so much, and they likes them so much, their students especially the parents likes and loves those foreign teachers(外教人才资源) who are having the perfect outside lookings, they just loves them so much and the most important thing is that they also wish and want their children to having those so beautiful foreign english teacher as they are so proud of their children to having a beautiful foreign teachers, and the parents of the students will feel more proud of their children and the school.


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