全国招聘外教 多、快、好、省   188-8885-0127




  • 国籍: 其他
  • 语言:英语
  • 学历: 本科
  • 性别: 男
  • 工作性质: 全职
  • 出生:1972年
  • 工作经验:1-2(年)
  • 到岗: 越快越好
  • 所在地:内蒙古
  • 期望工作地点: 全国均可
  • 期望税后薪资: 4000-6000(Yuan/M)




NaHeYa Bilingual School, Huhehaote, Inner Mongolia, China                         March-June 2013
English Language teacher, English Programme Management Committee
    Responsible for teaching English conversation to Grade 7 and nursery rhymes, stories, sentences and vocabulary to primary level students
    Recorded a Grade 3 ESL lesson for PR which went out on DVD to prospective parents
    Designed a whole new PE Morning Exercise  routine for the school
    Designed content for the Foreign Teachers’ Handbook, ie, Code of Conduct,  Lesson Plan format, Teacher Observation format, Incident Report format, Dress Code for teachers, Apartment Furnishings Inventory  

EF English First Shanghai, China                                       June-October 2012
English Language Trainer
    Responsible for conducting Workshops and F2F classes; Life Clubs and Friend’s Corner were freer classes, and  iLab assistance- this was basically helping students with their course work online
    Used pre-prepared lessons for WS and F2F. All lessons included the four skills, ie, listening, speaking, reading, writing
    Life Clubs were thematic; Friend’s Corner was just facilitating mingling among students and using the language in an informal real life setting
    Corporate English courses customized for company executives

Haiyan Senior High School, Haiyan, Zhejiang, China                                     September 2011- June 2012
English Conversation Teacher – Grade 10-11 (15-17 year olds)
    Conversational English lessons are designed to provide students with an opportunity to practice their English in a relaxed and fun environment without the pressures of having to always get the grammar and pronunciation right. The objective is, basically, to build confidence and develop fluency in conversing spontaneously in a variety of situations and contexts. Students are exposed to the English language through various mediums ie videos, music, and the written form, and participate in speaking exercises, pair/group work based on the input, ie, video/music/written piece. The students are allowed to play with the language in all sorts of situations and appreciate its varied uses and advantages in expressing thoughts and ideas and feelings and emotions.
Glaring grammatical mistakes and pronunciation errors are taken up with the students and fixed but otherwise grammar is discovered along the way… it is learnt as an embedded element in the language. Pronunciation is learnt through phonemic transcription and stress and rhythm is incorporated through drilling and by copying the teacher.
    English Corner- an extra class conducted in the evenings for students who want to practice their English. We use ESL games and activities for this class.     

Visut Tharangsi School - English Programme, Kanchanaburi, Thailand         Nov. 2010 to July 2011
CLIL- English Grammar- Grade 7-9, Writing- Grade 10, Reading Comprehension- Grade 11-12,
Home Economics, Art & Craft, Health & PE, Sports ie Basketball, Badminton- Grades 8-9, 11-12, & Boy Scouts 
    Grammar lessons were taught using the discovery method, wherein students analyzed text to find out for themselves the grammatical structure and its use in the passage. While working their way through the text discovering target grammatical structures and completing supporting exercises, the students would discuss and debate the correctness of their findings among themselves and with the teacher. Thus, every grammar lesson also had a strong communicative element, which is imperative for second language learners. 
    Writing lessons were designed to help students improve their writing skills using the writing conventions for writing essays, emails and letters.
    Reading Comprehensions lesson revolved around reading passages, analyzing texts and discussing content, and completing supporting exercises.
    Home Economics and Art and Craft lessons were task based student-centered lessons with the students’ discovery and learning by doing. The same methodology was adopted when teaching sports and boy scouts.
    Participated in all extra-curricular activities i.e. field trips/excursions, English camp, EP Open House, etc.

IBM Daksh Business Process Services Pvt. Ltd. Haryana, India                            February 2010-July 2010
      Lead Voice & Accent Trainer- IBM Certified Trainer (English Language Instructor)
    Job specific English language instruction to New Hire Trainees
Course content: English Grammar, Phonetics, Soft Skills (people management when on call)
    Lessons had a strong communicative focus because the objective was to improve the trainees’ spoken English and prepare them to handle western customers on call. Trainees participated in pair/group work and various communicative activities there by honing their communication skills.
    Every batch was a mix of trainees with language limitations stemming from cultural, regional and first language interferences which, hamper the trainees’ ability to speak the language proficiently. Lessons for such a class had to be designed to tackle specific problems like: strong consonant sounds, especially the “t” and “d” sound, pronouncing the “v” and “w”, “s” and “z”, “sh” and “zh” sounds, pronouncing diphthongs, enunciation and intonation, syllabic stress, and stress on content words in a sentence. In order to do so successfully, various pronunciation exercises were organised for the trainees, listening exercises were conducted and videos of native speakers were shown so that the trainees could see the difference in pronunciation and incorporate the same in their communication. Trainees participated in various free-speech activities; they read aloud in class, wrote journals, and feedback, an invaluable part of every classroom activity, was given religiously.
No. 2 Middle School Hong’an County, Hubei, China                           September 2008 to June 2009
English Conversation Teacher- Grade 10
    ESL: Listening, Speaking, and Reading. Since priority was given to the speaking aspect of the language, I was responsible for providing students with opportunities to practice their spoken English. Interesting and interactive classroom activities were an integral part of every lesson, which encouraged students to use the language to express themselves freely and without hesitation. The atmosphere in the classroom was relaxed, fun-filled yet competitive. Students used prior language and language learnt while doing pair/group work and developed confidence in speaking English.
    Reading and comprehension: various types of reading materials and reading exercises were used to hone students’ R&C skills. Reading material from newspapers, magazines, manuals, and short-stories were used in lessons to help students test their R&C skills. This also served to expand students’ knowledge in various subjects.
    Lessons varied in terms of being teacher-centered and student-centered. However, majority of the lessons were student-centered.

Potisarn Pittayakorn School - English Programme, Bangkok, Thailand                 Feb. 2005 – Feb. 2008
CLIL- English Grammar, Reading Comprehension, Listening & Speaking, Social Studies- Grade 7, 9-11
, English Programmes Assistant Coordinator
    Responsible for teaching Pre-Intermediate Level Grammar, Reading and Comprehension, Listening and Speaking, and Social Studies (Geography) to grade 7 and 9 to 11. Various methodologies, activities and exercises were used to teach the different subjects over the three years. Lessons were mostly student centered, inter-active and content oriented. As a result, students learnt a lot of English and soon realized that learning English isn’t that difficult after all. They practiced what they learnt and developed confidence in using the language in oral and written form. Students appreciated the lessons.
    English Programme Management: assisted in organizing English Festivals and English Camps, organised Quiz competitions, and managed PS ON AIR- News Reading on Monday mornings.
    Public Relations: represented the school director at ESL conferences in 2007, participated in PTA meetings.
    Participated in In-House Seminars and Professional Development Workshops, CULI conference, EXCEL conference, IPA conference, CLIL conference.

Assumption College Rayong - Bilingual Programme, Thailand                        May 2001 – February 2005
CLIL- General Science, English Conversation Teacher- Grade 4 – 6&9, Grade 2&3
    Responsible for teaching General Sciences to a variety of students from primary level onwards. Since I was teaching the students only once a week lessons had to be interactive, interesting and content oriented. Having had the opportunity to create Science text books for my students, I integrated different kinds of exercises in the lesson so that students would get the maximum out of every class, and they did.
    Responsible for teaching ESL to a variety of students from grade 1 to grade 7 and to people from industry after school and on the weekends. In each lesson, maximum time was devoted to the communicative component in order to help students practice prior language and new language learnt.

St. Jude’s College Unnao, U.P., India                                                                       April 1998 - March 1999
CLIL- Economics, Commerce and Accountancy Teacher- Grade 9, 11
    Responsible for teaching the Indian Certificate of Secondary Education (Year 10) and the Indian School Certificate (Year 12) curriculum formulated by the Council of Indian Schools Certificate Examinations New Delhi, India.
    House Master for the academic year- organized various House teams, i.e. football team, cricket team, athletics team, and debating team for Inter-House competitions.

Huddard High School Kanpur, U.P., India                                                            April 1996 – August 1997
CLIL- PE Teacher, School Cricket and Football team Coach
    Responsible for teaching PE to grades 2 to 12 and coaching the cricket and football teams. Organized inter-house matches and sports competitions and entered the school football and basketball teams in inter-school competitions.




 Bachelor of Commerce, Kanpur University, U.P., India 1995
•    Indian School Certificate (Std. XII), La Martiniere College Lucknow, U.P., India 1992
•    Indian Certificate of Secondary Education (Std. X), La Martiniere College Lucknow, U.P., India 1990
•    CELTA, ECC Bangkok, Thailand 2006
•    TEFL1, Spencer International Bangkok, Thailand 2002
•    Diploma in Export Management, IIIT Bangalore, India 1999    
•    Advanced Certificate in PC Applications, NIIT Kanpur, India 1997
•    (DELTA 2013 Preparation on-going)

             Workshops/Seminars Attended
•    The Storyline Approach, Potisarn Pittayakorn School Bangkok, Thailand 2005
•    CULI National Seminar, Chulalongkorn University Language Institute Bangkok, Thailand 2005
•    Expo for Communicative English Language Learning, Bangkok, Thailand 2005




