全国招聘外教 多、快、好、省   188-8885-0127




  • 国籍: 英国
  • 语言:英语
  • 学历: 本科
  • 性别: 男
  • 工作性质: 全职
  • 出生:1991年
  • 工作经验:2-5(年)
  • 到岗: 9月初
  • 所在地:本国
  • 期望工作地点: 南方地区
  • 期望税后薪资: 6000-8000(Yuan/M)




 Work in a kindergarten,teach English           有幼儿园的教学经历

Next Ltd, Unit 11b, Greenbridge Retail Park, - Stock replenishment库存补给

Swindon, SN3 3SG, UK - Customer service

General Sales Assistant, July 2013, - Stock control and re-stocking of the store销售助理

June – July 2012, June – July 2007

Elcocks Electrical, 48 Watermead, Swindon, - Working on domestic, commercial and industrial 电气electrical

SN3 4WE, UK installations

Electrician’s Assistant, June 2013, - Installing cabling, sockets, wiring and accessories

May 2011 – September 2011 - Maintaining existing installations

Team Dignitas Ltd

E-Sport Professional, March 2009 – - Travelling to major European gaming tournaments with a team

September 2012 - Blogging and engaging in PR activities

- Acting as a product agent and ambassador for sponsors such as Intel, MSI, Creative, showcasing hardware at exhibitions

- Product testing, demonstrations and feedback to said sponsors

Matalan PLC, Greenbridge Retail Park, - Stock replenishment

Swindon, SN3 3SG, UK - Customer service

General Sales Assistant, November 2007 – - Stock control and re-stocking of the store

February 2008 - Using the till for customer sales and refunds

August 2011 Organising and running of a European gaming event

- Liaising with sponsors for the finances, coverage and logistics of the event (SteelSeries,

and the WZZRD Café, Enschede, Netherlands)

- Organising the coverage of the event in co-operation with KaosTV, Netherlands

- Scheduling a 3-day tournament with 24 teams competing from around Europe



 i-to-i, UK (July 2013)

120 hour TEFL Course, specialising in Business English, Teaching to Large Classes, One-to-one Teaching and Teaching Young Learners 有tefl证书

De Montfort University, Leicester, UK (October 2010 – September 2013)德蒙福特大学 计算机专业

Computer Science BSc (Bachelor of Science) – Expected grade: 2:1 (Results in September)

Course modules included: Object-Oriented Software Design and Development, Computing Ethics and Professional Practice, Software Engineering, Database Design and Implementation, Internet Software Development, Mobile Robotics, Secure Web app Development, Programming in C and Computer Systems.

Project: Tournament management web application using new technologies.

New College, Swindon, UK (September 2007 – June 2010)英国斯文顿新学院

A2 English Language and Literature AS British and European History

A2 Computing AS Law

A2 Mathematics AS Graphic Design

AS Chemistry

Kingsdown School, Swindon, UK (September 2002 – June 2007)

GCSE levels in:

Science, Double Award: A*, A*

Mathematics: A

English Language: B

English Literature: B

Design and Technology: Resistant Materials: B

Art: B

French: B

ICT: Diploma in Digital Applications: B, B




