全国招聘外教 多、快、好、省   188-8885-0127




  • 国籍: 英国
  • 语言:英语
  • 学历: 本科
  • 性别: 男
  • 工作性质: 全职
  • 出生:1978年
  • 工作经验:1-2(年)
  • 到岗: 越快越好
  • 所在地:重庆
  • 期望工作地点: 全国均可
  • 期望税后薪资: 6000-8000(Yuan/M)




 2012-2013    English

* Not Oral
    CQUST, Chongqing University of Science & Technology  (重庆科技大学)
Term 1 - Taught:
    Economics Year 2, Level 2, x50 - Business Pitch, English Year 2 Level2, x60 - English Culture (History)*
    Petroleum Year 2, Level 1, x40 - Job Interview; Level 3, x50 - Problem solving
    Judge: Petroleum Degree Students, Year 1 - Interview application for special class
Term 2 - Taught
    Petroleum Year 1, Level 2, x70 - Technical interview , Math Year 1, Level 1, x30 - Math Model Presentation
    Economics Year 2 Level 2, x 100 - Business Pitch; Logistics Year 3, Level 2, x70 - Logistics Problem Solving
    Chemical Engineering/Chemistry Year 4, Level 2, x30 - Technical Debate
    English Teacher    CNTC, Chongqing Nanfang Translator's College (SISU) 18 623 426 633
Term 1  - Taught:
    English Degree students x1500 - Roleplay Television production & interview show*
Term 2  - Taught:
    Business Degree students x250, Year 1 - Business Pitch*
    Tourism Degree students x150, Year 1 - Business Pitch*
Judge: English dictation, singing, debating, speech contests.
2010 &11    Judge    CCTV
National Oral English Competition (Chongqing Region), Students 5-21 years
2007-2010    Contract Adviser    Self-employed.
Helped governments of poor countries to improve oil/gas/mineral contracts with multinationals
2006-2007    Producer/
Researcher    Colourful (Internet) Radio, London
Political show - Prepared and Interviewed national, local & community political leaders
Current affairs show - Prepared and invited experts to discuss major news events
2005-2006    Accountant
& Business Consultant    Rai & Co Accountants, London
Produced technical reports to FSA standard. Cultivated long-term relationships with clients.
Advised small businesses on strategies to improve business performance
2004-2005    Publisher
Edited, Published and sold  - magazine with career and education planning advice for disadvantaged students (10-25y)
2003-2004    Producer
    YCTV (Youth Culture TV), London
Helped children (10-16y) make local investigative film documentaries
2002-2003    Stable Manager,
    Castlehill Equestrian Centre, Meath, Ireland
Managed 30 staff, 40 stables & 50 horses. Helped teach over 40 adults &100 children.
Centre gained commendation from the Irish Pony Society
2001-2002    English Teacher    Kadoorie Foundation & UNDP, Tugrog, South Gobi (Desert), Mongolia.
Teach TEFL to high school teachers & students (10-13y)
1999    English Teacher    Lozells Primary School, Birmingham, UK  
Taught children (4-11y) English reading comprehension, expression,
1998-2001    Town Planner
    Youth Focus group, Dept. of Planning & Architecture, B’ham Council, UK
Reviewed over £200M local government development plans.
1998-2001    Director/
Treasurer    Focus Foyer Housing association
Youth committee (16-25) organised events.
British Red Cross  - First Aider
    Teacher Assistant     Nelson Mandela Primary School, Birmingham, UK
Taught children (8-10y). Built toys to demonstrate momentum & balance
1994-1995    Director    Afro-Caribbean Society, Aston University, Birmingham, UK
Managed student team. Organised events i.e. Football competition with the Chinese society.
Taught assertiveness, recruitment psychology tests,
1992-1993    Ind. Chemist/
Chemical Engineer    R&D, VALE (formerly INCO-Europe)
Manufactured Nickel from an explosive reactor.
Managed main hydrogen & gas pressurising plant.
Improved process efficiency of Packaging & Shipping Plant




I am a native English speaker. I study Mandarin. I am calm, patient, persistent, very organised and strict. Everyday, I play a sport i.e. badminton, ping pong, running, volleyball, basketball  - with students. I also volunteer to help students with national competitions.




