全国招聘外教 多、快、好、省   188-8885-0127




  • 国籍: 俄罗斯
  • 语言:英语, 俄语
  • 学历: 本科
  • 性别: 男
  • 工作性质: 全职
  • 出生:1968年
  • 工作经验:1-2(年)
  • 到岗: 越快越好
  • 所在地:俄罗斯
  • 期望工作地点: 合肥上海深圳
  • 期望税后薪资: 6000-8000(Yuan/M)




 Municipal School # 8 of Akhtubinsk region, Akhtubinsk, Astrakhan region, Russia

Teacher of English language (英语老师)
November 2009 to Present

- Conducted lessons, lectures and mode-classes using English for Life, Headway, etc.
- Planned and organized the curriculums of English for the 2-11th grades.
- Individually worked with the students and pupils who had any problems in studying English.
- Prepared gifted children for participation in the Olympiads and learning competitions.
- Organized and managed the regional seminar and the model-class for local English teachers “Teaching English – Educating a Global Citizen”.
- Organized and managed extra-curricular activities and events in English, formed the English club “Help!”
- Prepared students for national competition “Our Motherland” organized by AFS Russia (Intercultura Foundation); two students won the 1st award for their projects
- Was qualified as an English Teacher with the 1st rate of professionalism in 2010.

Gymnasium (High School) # 1, Akhtubinsk, Astrakhan region, Russia

Deputy Principal in programs, education and extracurricular activities
January 1990 to October 2009

- Planned and organized the curriculum, development and implementation of the new educational programs and courses.
- Program organization and supervision of students study groups after the regular school day.
- Supervised and evaluated specialists, department heads, teachers and the school psychologist.
- Effectively established relationships with preschools and based organizations.
- Organized and managed all parent / teacher programs and events at school.
- Organized and managed extracurricular activities and events for students.
- Advised Student Council.
- Organized a program of Leadership for students of 9-11th grades to develop character and learn to set and achieve goals.
- Organized, with the assistance of AFS-Intercultural Programs, a cultural exchange program for students and teaching foreign students at school during 11 years; Class exchange program with Italian school in 2007-08;
- Found and engaged sponsors to provide a resource base of school.
- Made reports directly to principal and to Departments of education of a town and region about the results of work.
- I was qualified as an administrator (deputy principal) with the highest rate in 1998, confirmed in 2003, and with the 1st rate in 2008.
- Prepared application and all the documentation for school to compete for grant from President National Project in education; school was granted by 1 000 000 rubles to buy new equipment for laboratories and a new computer center in 2006.
- Personally granted by the Governor of Astrakhan region in 2007 for high pedagogical skills and significant contribution into education.

Teacher of Mathematics, Economics and Information Technology in Gymnasium # 1, and teacher of Economics, Management, Marketing at Astrakhan Auto-Road Building College
September 1990 to October 2009 at school, September 2001 to July 2008 at Astrakhan Road Building College

- Prepared and realized lessons and lectures.
- Planned and organized the curriculums of mathematics for the 5-11th grades and of economics for the 5-11th grades at school, and for students of 17-21 year old ages at college.
- Individually worked with the students, if they had any problems in studying of those subjects.
- Prepared gifted children for participation in the Olympiads and learning competitions.
- Provided necessary educational books, textbooks, and articles to students from educational organizations.
- Spend extra time helping parents become active participants in their children’s’ learning.
- As a teacher trainer, devise and coach teaching strategies to colleagues.
Won a competition between teachers and was awarded as ‘teacher of a year’ by the administration of Akhtubinsk and the Governor of Astrakhan region in 1998, qualified as a teacher with the highest rate in 1998, confirmed in 2003 and in 2008.

Served in Army
June 1987 to May 1989

- Served as a sergeant in Khabarovsk region, East of Russia.

Pioneer Leader (The Pioneer organization was the main organization that united children from 10 to 14 years old for studying, leadership, cooperation, community service, sport and different extracurricular activities in USSR)
September 1985 to January 1990

- Planned and organized extracurricular activities for pupils and students of the 5-11th grades according the program of Pioneer and Komsomol youth organizations of the USSR.
- Organized trips to different cities, youth camps and sport competitions.
- Advised Student Council.
- Reported to Principal and Departments of Pioneer and Komsomol youth organizations.



Moscow Opened Social University, Moscow, Russia (本科)
Lawyer, June 1998 (red diploma with excellent results)

Volgograd State Teachers University, Volgograd, Russia
Teacher of mathematics, June 1990


Lockport High School, Lockport, NY, USA
English language Teacher Course Survey of American English and Literature, July 2012

European Federation of Intercultural Learning & EC, Strasbourg, France
Study session Intercultural volunteer work in an intergenerational context, February 2011

College for International Co-operation and Development, Winestead, Hull, UK
GAIA Course, August 2008, Development Instructor Course, English Teacher Course, March 2009

TCE South Africa, Humana People to People, Chamdor, Gauteng Province, SAR
TCE Educator Course, August 2009

International TOEFL Center, Frankfurt, Germany
Certified for the level of working on English-speaking positions, August 2003.

Department of Junior Achievement (Russia), Volgograd, Russia
Teacher of Economics (K-6), September 2000.

Department of Junior Achievement (Russia), Moscow, Russia
Teacher of Applied Economics program, November 1994.




