全国招聘外教 多、快、好、省   188-8885-0127




  • 国籍: 南非
  • 语言:英语
  • 学历: 本科
  • 性别: 男
  • 工作性质: 全职
  • 出生:1978年
  • 工作经验:>5(年)
  • 到岗: 越快越好
  • 所在地:宁波
  • 期望工作地点: 云南
  • 期望税后薪资: 8000-11000(Yuan/M)




 English First

[ February 2013 – Present ]
+ 86 21 6133 6133
ESL Teacher: Teaching English as a second language to adults in Ningbo, China. I transferred to a different school. All my responsibilities are the same as they were in Chengdu.
[ January 2012 – February 2013 ]
+ 86 21 6133 6133
ESL Teacher: Teaching English as a second language to adults in Chengdu, China. I teach from a set curriculum, as well as adding extra to the teaching curriculum through EF ‘Life Club’. Use of interactive media is utilized inside the classroom. Life club involves the teaching and practice of English outside the classroom, in a variety of indoor and outdoor activities. The main focus is on teaching conversational English. 
Bridge Language Institute剑桥英语教师
[ December 2010 – November 2011 ]
+ 82 10 4312-0934, +82 54 783 1961
ESL Teacher: Teaching English as a second language to elementary children and adults in Uljin, South Korea. Teaching from a set curriculum, as well as adding extra to the teaching curriculum utilizing tools such as the internet, worksheets, games, and video. Teaching conversational English, as well as reading and writing. 
Planet Hoodia星火英语
[ June 2009 – April 2010 ]
+ 27 21 790-4198
Regional Brand Manager: Compiling training material for promotional staff and pharmacy staff training. Provide training for staff in key stores to ensure high levels of service. 
Responsible for hiring, training and managing a sales representative force of 2 in the Gauteng, Limpopo, Mpumalanga and North West Provinces. 
Also responsible for hiring, training and managing promotional staff in the Gauteng region.
Roll out of promotional material and campaigns. To implement point of sale material and programs: which includes displays, window displays, mall promotions, leaflet drops, in-store promotion or regional press advertising. 
Responsible for the research and development of the thermogenic formula 'Thermoslim' released under the brand name Slender Max and ‘Thermo Advance’ released under the new brand SlimBetti. 
[January 2009 – May 2009 ]                   
Representative: Cold calling on potential customers and getting stock into their pharmacy/health shop. Calling on pharmacies/health shops who have ordered stock from wholesalers who have not seen a representative. Training of the staff in the stores about the product and providing promotional materials to improve sales of the product. 
Self employed 
[ August 2004 – October 2009 ]                       
Massage Therapist: August 2004 – October 2009. I started my own business professionally offering massage. 
Homoeopathic Practitioner: May 2006 – October 2009. I ran my own private practice in homoeopathy.
Duties of the business are all my sole responsibility. This includes consulting with patients, maintaining my dispensary stock, paying suppliers. I handled my own bookkeeping, marketing, and all other responsibilities of the business. 
Eastgate Health 
[December 2007 – February 2009 ]                 
+ 27 11 615-6796
Store Manager: Duties are the same as for the Nutribalance centre below. The shop owner changed the name of the shop.
Nutribalance Centre Eastgate
[ February 2006 – November 2007 ] 
+  27 11 615-6796
Store Manager: Duties include opening and closing the shop; ordering stock, attending to customers and advising on dietary and nutritional supplementation. I am responsible for the cash up and day end procedures. I reconciled cash for banking. I also handle payment of suppliers. Other duties include design of advertising media for marketing campaigns in local gyms, etc. 
Longevity Magazine 
[ April 2006 – October 2009 ]                        
+ 27 83 263-0114 (Lynne Giddish)  
Contribute to a monthly column ‘Ask the experts’: I contribute frequently   to this article written by a freelance journalist who does work for Longevity magazine. I answer questions submitted by readers about specific health conditions and how a Homoeopath would possibly treat the condition and offer useful advice on the matter. 
Helping You Health shop
[ September 2004 – February 2006 ]     
+ 27 11 616-2514
Homoeopathic Consultant: Duties include attending to customers and advising on their health concerns, as well as performing day end procedures.
[ January 2004 – August 2004 ]             
                     + 27 11 804-4004
Store Manager: Duties included full management of the store. These were opening and closing of the shop. Responsible for the cash up and reconciliation; and for banking of the cash. I also had to order stock. Other duties included management of the staff. I attended to customers as well and advised them on which supplements to use for their health concerns.
Solal Technologies  
[ September 2003 – November 2003 ] 
 + 27 11 783-3939
Medical representative: Duties included promoting Solal’s range of nutraceutical products to pharmacies, health shops, homoeopaths and doctors. This involved cold calling to generate new clients and also calling on existing clients. Another responsibility involved training of staff in health shops and pharmacies on the benefits of the individual products in the range and how to effectively sell the product to their clients.
Weleda Pharmacy 
[ December 2001- August 2003 ]             
+ 27 11 463-3604
Homoeopath / general assistant: Duties included attending to customers and offering them advice on their health, and ringing up of the sales on the cash register. I was also responsible for ordering of stock.
Fruits & Roots
[ June 2000 – November 2001 ]             
+ 27 11 463-2928 
Shop assistant: Duties included attending to customers and offering them advice on their health problems; and also ringing up of the sales on the cash register. I also performed day end duties such as cashing up of the register and reconciliation of the daily takings. I had the responsibility of locking up the shop at the end of the day.



 [ 1997-2006 ] University of Johannesburg约翰内斯堡大学

M.Tech Hom (Masters Degree in Homoeopathy)

My dissertation can be viewed at:


[ 2006 ] University of Pretoria比勒陀利亚大学 

Diploma in dispensing and compounding for a Homoeopathic dispensary

[ 2000 ] Trauma Link                                                         

Basic Ambulance Assistant

[ 2000 ] Institute of Natural Health                                    

30 Hour practical in Therapeutic Massage

[ 2011 ] TEFLONLINE.COM 有tefl证书

40 hour Teaching English as a Foreign Language (TEFL)

[ 2012 ] Cambridge University剑桥大学(位于英国的世界著名大学)

Teachers Knowledge Test




