全国招聘外教 多、快、好、省   188-8885-0127




  • 国籍: 英国
  • 语言:英语
  • 学历: 本科
  • 性别: 男
  • 工作性质: 全职
  • 出生:1987年
  • 工作经验:2-5(年)
  • 到岗: 一个月内
  • 所在地:本国
  • 期望工作地点: 全国均可
  • 期望税后薪资: 8000-11000(Yuan/M)




 works studios was incredible experience in dealing with clients and advertising business. My role was admin work, dealing with issues that clients had, also promoting the name print work studios.   

Home Serve (3 Month Trial)

Home serve was again a great experience and working as customer service adviser was a tough task but at the same time was a vital boost to my confidence in dealing with customers and making sure the customers get dealt with their issues, I only worked there for 3 months but personally I think skills I gained in them 3 months was worth it. 

JD Sports Sales Assistant (November 2008- October 2009)销售助理

My employment at JD Sports was a great influence on my organisation skills, where part of my job was to create a strategy which helps to organise all the stock into place, other part of my job was customer service dealing with customer’s issues and fulfilling their needs.

Marriot Hotel Deliveries (July 2007- June 2008)万豪酒店交付

My employment at Marriot Hotel has helped me develop excellent communication skills, as I am always speaking to wide variety of people with different priorities and needs. I have developed excellent communication skills, i.e. customer service skills, working as a team player and to use my own initiative. My role enables me to deal with different situations, building my self-confidence, to be patient and have a polite manner at all times. The above work experiences have equipped me well with the skills to operate in busy fast paced environment where teamwork, excellent management and personal initiative have all been key for successful operation.

Curry’s Sales Assistant (June 2005 – May 2006)咖喱的销售助理

My employment at Curry’s has boosted my confidence talking to customers and I have gained a lot of communication skills, I have also gained skills to negotiate with the customers and help them choose what they want. Working as sales assistant I learnt to be very patient and polite as well as being understanding to customers at all times.

Argos Customer Service & Cashier 

My employment at Argos has given me skills to use a till and also communicating with customers and also other duties like carried out general administrative duties, including taking messages over the telephone, and helping with the smooth running of operations. Good communication and team working skills were required of me as well as a focused approach.

Space Kitchen Customer Service Advisor (September 2004 - May 2005)空间厨房客户服务顾问

As a customer service advisor at Reality I had to assist customers further with their queries. I also had to do general administrate jobs such as filling and book keeping. I had to input all the data in the business database in order for the management team to monitor what was happening with the day to day business. I thoroughly enjoyed this job and was very happy that I was able to help customers with their problems. Working as a customer service advisor I learnt to be very patient and polite as well as being understanding to customers at all times. I thoroughly enjoyed this type of work and hope to look for further customer services and administration jobs as I found this job interesting ad enjoyable. 



 Lancashire University: Degree in Bachelor of Art Combined Honors in Marketing and Independent Studies. 


While studying this course at university I have learnt to be hardworking, adaptable and resourceful, as this course requires me to be versatile and is equipping me with a number of essentials skills such as communication, presentation, IT and general business skills, which are transferable to any business environment. I have managed to acknowledge my ability to engage with others and individual tasks in practical or office environment and work to my best of ability.

TEFl English in Foreign Language level 2 有TEFL 证书

Preston Lancashire College: BTEC National Diploma in Software Development兰开夏郡的普雷斯顿大学:BTEC国家文凭在软件开发




