全国招聘外教 多、快、好、省   188-8885-0127




  • 国籍: 加拿大
  • 语言:英语
  • 学历: 本科
  • 性别: 男
  • 工作性质: 全职
  • 出生:1953年
  • 工作经验:>5(年)
  • 到岗: 一个月内
  • 所在地:中国
  • 期望工作地点: 全国均可
  • 期望税后薪资: 8000-11000(Yuan/M)




 Professional Lecturer in Economics and Management
Expert  in developing, researching and applying economic and financial forecasting models, fundamental and technical analysis, data mining and competitive intelligence
Lecturer-trainer  and seminar organizer (Montreal CFA Association meetings ;
 Precarn- World Bank Treasury Department , Department of  Computer Science  and Operational Research –Laboratory of Adaptive Systems – University of Montreal ) ; Chinese Economists Association ( Yangling, Shaanxi ); Lecturer to  Chinese Students Associations
Expert in International Military and Civilian Space Industry Analysis- Principal Lecturer for the Montreal Peace Movement and the Bronfman Foundation for Peace . Author of a major multi-year study on the  Strategic ,Economic, Legal, Technological and Institutional Consequences of International Arms Race In Space at the  Center for Research on Air and Space Law, McGill University ,  1981
Expert in Corporate Governance and Social  Responsability
Expert in  Institutionalist Political Economy and Sociological Economics 
Expert in International Economic Relations of China
Professional Experience

Professor , Corporate Governance in China, Services Operation Management , Doing Business in China , MBA China, Shanghai Jiaotong University School of Continuing Education, Shanghai (September 2011 till Now )

Lecturer, Bachelor of Business, Economics of China, Macroeconomics, Introduction to Management, Organizational Behavior and Human Resource Management, Strategic Management and Business Models , Strategic Simulation Games , New Curriculum Design ,  Donghua University CIP, Shanghai (September 2011 to July 2013))

Lecturer , HND-BTEC  Bachelor in Business , Business Strategy and Decision Making , Shanghai International Studies University , Shanghai ( March 2011 to July 2011)

Lecturer,  IFY-NCUK Business Studies and Economics , Kaplan Education , Shanghai-Suzhou ( October 2010 to February 2011)
Associate Professor , Business Environment , Corporate Strategy, Royal Roads University MBA , Schenzhen , ( September 2009 and June  2010)
Lecturer, Cambridge CIE AS Business Studies and Economics , Nanshan Bilingual School , Schenzhen ( September 2009 to July 2010)
Lecturer , Marketing and Human Resource Management ;  Corporate Training Program Designer ;  Delter International Business Institute, Liuzhou , ( April 2009 to July 2009)
Assistant Professor , International Macroeconomics of China ( including a 4 volumes 1000 pages reading pack ), CIEE-East China Normal University  ( in collaboration with Fudan University, Nanjing University , Shanghai Academy of Social Sciences) , Shanghai , ( March 2008 to June 2008)
Lecturer , Corporate Finance and Valuation ‚ International MBA , East China University of Science and Technology, Shanghai ,(March 2008 to July 2008)
Lecturer , Business English , School of Economics and
International Trade and School of Business
(Undergraduate and MBA students ), East China
University of Science and Technology ( September 2007 to July 2008 )
Lecturer , Corporate Finance, Information Technology
and Business Research Methods, Fuzhou-Hertsfordshire
University, Fuzhou ( March 2007 to July 2007)
Lecturer, Project Management, E-Commerce, Shanghai
Normal University , College of Electronic Engineering, Shanghai ,
(September 2006 to January 2007)
Lecturer, Financial English for Undergraduate
Students; Business Strategy and US Financial
Institutions (Post-Graduate Students), Northwest
University of Agriculture and Forestry, Yangling,
Advisor , E-Marketing Strategies for the Yangling Agricultural
High_Tech Zone, Yangling Government ,  Shaanxi , 2006
Lecturer, American Literature, Business Strategy and
Writing,  Zhaoqing University , Zhaoqing, (2004-2005)
Lecturer , International Trade and Business English,
  School of Continuing Education , Xidian University
Principal researcher on international corporate governance,
shareholders’ rights  and activism,  securities regulations
for the Association de Protection des Investisseurs et Épargnants
du Québec,  ( Quebec  Investors  Protection Association ,
a non-profit organization that defends the interests of small investors)
 in collaboration with the School of Accounting
of  University of Quebec at Montreal ,  (2001-2003)
Lecturer- Tutor , Decision Sciences applied to Finance,
University of Quebec Business School at Montreal ,
MBA-CFA, 1995-1997
External economic consultant for CDP Capital’s
international investment allocation division. Research
economic data banks, interest rate forecasting, and
North American market conditions along with monitoring
and developing techniques and indicators for global
asset allocation (1996 to 2003)
External economic consultant and institutional client
representative for Chabot Page a portfolio management
firm. Directed relations with institutional clients
for the launch of several Canadian hedge funds (2001
to 2003)
Developed the Canadian market for IDC Portfolio
Management, a U.S. firm that offers institutional
investors buy-side quantitative north American equity
and  fixed-income research  Achieved high market
penetration with blue-chip clients such as Investors,
State Street, Royal Bank Portfolio Management  and ING
following a re-design of IDC’s services and
products for the Canadian market. Introduction of a
market neutral hedge fund to Canadian financial
institutions .  Introduced the USGS Leading Metals Indicators
as a new forecasting tool to predict business cycles ( 1999 to 2001)
 Developer of a number of innovative systems for real
time technical analysis of Canadian stocks and
options. Carried out the mathematical research behind
a risk management software program used by an
independent option market maker firm at the Montreal Futures
Exchange; , (1996 to 2003)
Participated in the design and testing of Neuroshell Trader,
one of the first real time AI-based forecasting and trading software on
the international market , Ward Systems Group, Maryland ,
USA , (1996 to 2003)
External economic consultant for the Canadian equity
division of Bolton Tremblay. Responsible for a project
to implement new specifications for forecasting North
American interest rates. Helped develop the first
Canadian system for tactical allocation of assets
based on the use of artificial intelligence  ( using macro, industrial,
valuation, technical factors) with André Chabot, principal manager,
and the Montreal ’s Hautes Ètudes Commerciales (1990 to 1996)
External economic consultant for Synergy Asset
Management of Toronto . Experimental development of a
system of tactical asset allocations of North American
sector based on artificial intelligence (1996 to 1998)
External consultant in business development,
professional training  and the design of  financial
models for the Laboratoire d’Informatique des Systèmes
Adaptifs (LISA) of information technology operations
division of l’Université de Montréal under the
direction of Professor Yoshua Bengio.  Provided
in-house training, in collaboration with LISA, on the
use of artificial intelligence in the tactical asset allocation
to staff of Montrusco and  TAL Investment Management
 (1995 to 1996)
I contributed to the background research leading to the following academic publications
F. Gingras and Y. Bengio.
Handling Asynchronous or Missing Financial Data with
Recurrent Networks.
International Journal of Computational Intelligence
and Organizations, 1(3):154-163, 1998.
Y. Bengio.
Training A Neural Network with a Financial Criterion
Rather than a Prediction Criterion.
In Y.S. Abu-Mostafa A.S. Weigend and A.-P.N. Refenes,
editors, Proceedings of the Fourth International
Conference on Neural Networks in the Capital Markets
(NNCM-96), pages 433-443. World Scientific, 1997.

Joumana Ghosn and Yoshua Bengio.
Multi-Task Learning for Stock Selection.
In M. Jordan, M. Mozer, and T. Petsche, editors,
NIPS 97, pages 946-952. MIT Press, Cambridge, MA, 1997.
Y. Bengio.
Using a Financial Training Criterion Rather than a
Prediction Criterion.
Technical Report #1019, Département d'informatique et
recherche opérationnelle, Université de Montréal,
February 1996.
Y. Bengio and F. Gingras.
Recurrent Neural Networks for Missing or Asynchronous
Data.  In M. Mozer, D.S. Touretzky, and M. Perrone, editors,
Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 8.
MIT Press, Cambridge, MA, 1996.



 Presently doing my doctoral research on the long term structural causes and consequences of the 2008 international crisis and its impacts on globalization and international management practices (2009)

Professional TESOL Diploma , Global TESOL,  2008

Canadian Securities Institute  Securities Certificate

Canadian Securities Institute  Conduct and Practices  Certificate (2002)

Canadian Securities Institute  Financial Futures and Options  Certificate (1986)
Participant in the Third International Neural Networks
in the Capital Markets Conference (NNCM95), London
Business School (1995)

Advanced Studies in Artificial Intelligence (Data Mining),
Laboratoire LISA, Université de Montréal (1995)

Participant in Neural Networks in Industry seminar,
Department of Electrical Engineering, University of
Toronto (1992)

Master Degree in Economics , McGill University ( 1982)

Certificate in Economics   at  l’Université du Québec , Montréal (1978)

Baccalauréat in Psychology, l’Université de Montréal

First Year Studies in Experimental Psychology, Ècole de Psychologie et Pédagogie
de Jean Piaget, Université de Genève (1975)




