全国招聘外教 多、快、好、省   188-8885-0127





  • 国籍: 英国
  • 语言:英语
  • 学历: 本科
  • 性别: 男
  • 工作性质: 全职
  • 出生:1985年
  • 工作经验:1-2(年)
  • 到岗: 越快越好
  • 所在地:新西兰
  • 期望工作地点: 上海或者附近城市
  • 期望税后薪资: 8000-11000(Yuan/M)





 English First Language School, Changchun, China                                August 2012-August 2013

In my first ESL position in China I gained invaluable experience in the field of ESL teaching. I taught a range of learners with different abilities, age groups, learning styles and educational needs. This position gave me the chance to put to practice the skills I learnt on my TEFL course and to further develop and understand the role of an ESL teacher further. My duties in this role included:


·      Various courses including, Kindergarten, Primary, Secondary, Further Education and Business English language course.

·      Creating and developing syllabuses, schemes of work and supplementary course materials.

·      Teaching various group sizes ranging from large groups (30+) to one-on-one sessions.

·      Provide, facilitate and participate in proffesi0onal development sessions.

·      Administrative duties such as attendance recording, creating individual learning plans and progress reports.

·      Providing differentiation for all learners and delivering lessons for a range of learning styles.

Providing staff with additional IT support including assistance using Microsoft Office products to create resources and provide ongoing IT training

 CELTA Pass B (obtained December 2013).

The CELTA course consisted of 8 observed teaching sessions and 8 hours observation of experienced TEFL teachers in addition to assignments.


Cambridge TKT Modules 2 & 3 and Young Learner extension


140 hour TEFL qualification (obtained May 2012, ‘I to I’ certified).

Core teaching module and the following specialised modules; Grammar, Teaching Young Learners, How to Teach Audio and Video Lessons, Teaching with Limited Resources and Teaching Large Classes. The was also an addition practical weekend course where I planned lessons and took part in mock classes.


NVQ Level 5 in Business Management (August 2010- Feb 2011, Accredited by ILM) (Vocational degree level equivalent qualification)

Advanced Diploma for IT Practitioners, NVQ level 3 for Information Technology Professionals (Sept 2004- Jun 2006)


7307 Certificate in Teaching Adult Learners (Sept 2005-Jan2006)

GCSE English Language (C) English Literature (C),  German (C), Science ( C,C) Mathematics (C), Information Systems (A), Business Studies (B), History (B).




   beth- Nathan-1985英国夫妻,现在新西兰旅游,二月以后到中国,她朋友在上海,所以她们只在上海或者上海周边有高铁直达,比较近的城市工作。

该外籍人才来自zhengzhou tengxiang education外教库