全国招聘外教 多、快、好、省   188-8885-0127




  • 国籍: 西班牙
  • 语言:英语
  • 学历: 本科
  • 性别: 男
  • 工作性质: 全职
  • 出生:1974年
  • 工作经验:1-2(年)
  • 到岗: 越快越好
  • 所在地:青岛
  • 期望工作地点: 青岛
  • 期望税后薪资: 8000-11000(Yuan/M)




  At present
Tutoring  English and Spanish .

07/2012-08/2012 Instituto Cervantes                Beijing, CHINA
Spanish teacher.

Teach Spanish to students that wants to go to work to Spanish speaking countries

05/2011-010/2011 /Qingdao Ivy School            Qingdao, CHINA
English and P.E teacher
Teach English and P.E to kindergarten students

2010-2011    Suizhou Foreign language School      Suizhou, CHINA
English teacher
Teach English to High School students

2009- 2010     Publicolor S.A                    Barcelona SPAIN
Selling Publicity gifts to companies and advising the costumer what is the more convenient gift to promote his company

2008-2009         Ameson Language School       Nanjing, CHINA

Spanish and English teacher
Taught Spanish and English to first and second year University students

2007-2008      Qingdao University               Qingdao, CHINA
Spanish teacher
Taught Spanish to first and second year University students
Received “best instructor of foreign languages” award and directed school production in Spanish

2007-2008      CTLT Translations Company       Qingdao, CHINA
Spanish to  English translations
Duties included translating electronic product manuals from Chinese/English to Spanish

2007-2008       INSERTEC                   Qingdao, CHINA
Spanish to Chinese, Chinese to Spanish translator
Translations for employers and employees of Chinese construction company regarding industrial procedures and protocol.

2007           New Horizon Language School     Qingdao, CHINA
Spanish teacher
Taught students between 14 and 17 years old in preparation for tertiary education in Spanish speaking countries.

2005-2006           Canvisa Language School      Xiamen, CHINA
Spanish teacher
Taught Spanish to professional workers seeking business and network opportunities with Spanish  speakers.

2005-2006     Runner Language School            Xiamen, CHINA
Spanish teacher
Taught students intensive 2 hour Spanish courses daily

2004-2005          Your Easy Language School     Xiamen, CHINA
English teacher:
Taught English to kindergarten children.

2004              Ibercarretillas                Barcelona, SPAIN
English teacher
Taught English to the employers at large warehouse supply company.

2000- 2004   Publicolor S.A                      Barcelona SPAIN
Selling Publicity gifts to companies and advising the costumer what is the more convenient gift to promote his company




2008-2009    Lloyds International College     Sydney, AUSTRALIA

             Certificate of BusinessIII.course


2001          International House.                   Barcelona, SPAIN

       Degree as a Spanish teacher for foreigners.


1993-1996   CETA Barcelona                  Barcelona, SPAIN

           Degree in Toursim


1992         Benjamin Franklin International School.. Barcelona,SPAIN

         Senior year


1991     Cuba High School.          Missouri, UNITED STATES

         Junior year


1990     Holy Faith Degree de la Salle         Skerrries,IRELAND

         Freshman year




