全国招聘外教 多、快、好、省   188-8885-0127




  • 国籍: 美国
  • 语言:英语
  • 学历: 本科
  • 性别: 男
  • 工作性质: 全职
  • 出生:未知年
  • 工作经验:>5(年)
  • 到岗: 越快越好
  • 所在地:美国
  • 期望工作地点: 秦皇岛或淄博
  • 期望税后薪资: 8000-11000(Yuan/M)





 Teaching English (formally and informally) – One and a half years

Technical training management and delivery of instruction (15 years plus)

International study and surveys information management  (8 years)
Travel in Spanish speaking countries (10 years plus)

Customer service and technical support (20 years)
Support and development of information systems, and business applications and productivity solutions (20 years)

Travel to US Embassy to assist in planning, training, and information management.

Military experience: Partially detailed below, additional page if interested


May 2013 – Present    Teaching English at CENLA (Center for English Learning and Acquisition)

Teaching students at various businesses and banks to improve their skills and fluency in English.  With work schedule shared between APEC university classes and business professionals, requires mental flexibility and professional reliability.


Aug 2012 – Present    Began teaching English at APEC School of Languages: Planning and delivery of English classes at the university, worked a variety of schedules and shifts, and with wide range of skill levels and age groups. Currently working university schedules while also giving classes outside of the university for professionals at various banks and businesses (with CENLA).


Took advantage, when offered of training and workshops for teaching methodology. Have previously given informal classes at no charge to deserving and interested youths and adults wanting to learn English.

Workshops are described under Education and Training section of this resume.


Sep 2004 – December 2011     Government Program Coordinator and Data Analyst : Depàrtment of the Army: Homestead, Florida:   Transitioned from military assignment to service as a government employee. Same position as described in period below. However, job and responsibilities expanded in areas of training management, as well as research and management of surveys information from countries in Latin America.  Designed process and architecture for reporting, and wrote procedures which were shared with and adopted by external organizations.  Training management,  and primary instructor.  Principle contact for deployed teams for information requests, survey procedures, product guidance and quality control.


Developed Microsoft Access application for cataloguing, control and management of survey documents, reports and stored data, as well as for analysis and dissemination to internal and external community.


Overseas travel to American Embassy to provide technical training to partner nation military personnel, also for  staff assistance visits, production and data management. Developed other Microsoft ACCESS applications for tracking of taskings of deployed elements and completion; also for tracking and reporting of contract hours and overtime.  Organizational subject matter expert (SME) of primary applications used for operational planning and mapping. Also known as SME across external organizations on use and management of information stored in WEB based SharePoint portal. Provided instruction in wide range of subjects to assure success of deployed service members.

Aug 2003 – Sep 2004  Data Analyst : Military assignment : Special Operations Command (South) : Homestead, Florida
Assigned on active duty orders to Special Operations Command (South).  Manage, maintain and operate information systems.  Train and brief traveling personnel prior to departure regarding safety of travel, and security requirements. Performed focused studies of  international areas of interest in support of travel plans and safety of traveling personnel. Review and Manage data.  Research of information systems and technical tools and solutions.


Sep 2002 – Apr 2003   Military assignment : Deployed Afghanistan, CJSOTF  Joint Operations Center  (JOC) :
Foreign Disclosure Officer - FDO : Review intelligence and operational reports of  units deployed in combat environment. Reviewed reports for release to coalition forces in accordance with disclosure criteria. Maintain daily contact, track information requests and interface with coalition liaison officers, coordinate support for planning and operational needs. Optimize procedures for information review and dissemination.

May 1994 – Oct 2001 Customer Service and Support Engineer  Burlington, Massachusetts and Birmingham Alabama                :
On site software and hardware installations and customer training. Developed training materials.  Support and troubleshoot hardware and communications software for labor management and time reporting.  Provide services, and technical training  at customer sites, and over the phone from home office. Train internal support technicians and customers across appropriate functional areas.


May 1981 – May 1994        Information Systems : Management and Support      

HEWLETT PACKARD  Corporation, Andover, Ma 


13 Year Summary : Project management, process analysis, support and development of applications, database solutions and productivity tools. Training of sales and service support. Worked across functional areas and multiple computing platforms. Progressive assignments in support of  systems in order management, marketing, finance, HR and Payroll, manufacturing, engineering and quality assurance.  Developed solutions and supported applications on PC, HP3000, UNIX.  Various corporate sponsored technical and project management seminars.  Participated in corporate projects  and work groups for systems improvements.  Details of career progression below :


Sep 1991 – May 1994  Information Technology Specialist – Medical Products Group

Support and develop decision support tools and business applications. Provide information systems consulting  in support of Payroll,  Personnel, and for Education and Development. Work with user areas to understand process, business needs, and to deliver IT solutions.  Developed local applications for HR, Payroll, and for Telecom Services,  and Equipment Calibration.  Worked with Corporate and other entities to share best practices, and to leverage from other development efforts.   


Implemented and  supported Client/Server applications, and PC environment.  Maintain HP3000 application  environments according to standards, and Corporate release schedules. Lead process improvement efforts,  delivered  application/technical training. Produced documentation and procedures for application users, data administration, and for application support.


Aug 1986 – Sep 1991  Systems Analyst /Quality Assurance Information Systems – Imaging Systems Division

QIS department with high volume of (medical equipment)  field service data reported weekly. End of month count of transactions approximately  800 to 1,200 records; and end of month total accounting exceeding $100,000.


Developed applications, databases, batch processing and analysis tools for routine processing, financial reporting,  and for corporate level QA reporting.  Identified and implemented process improvement  measures for routine processing,  and for management level reporting. Reduced the  time required for  review and edit of field service data by 75%. Streamlined financial reporting with batch processing procedures in main-frame environment  and automated downloads to PC platforms for final processing using Excel based macro procedures.

May 1984 – Jul 1986   Marketing Support Representative - Health Care Information Systems

Customer support, and support of field and factory marketing. Analysis of contracts, and interpretation of business terms for order structure, and  invoicing criteria. Communicate specific contract requirements to field administration and factory support managers.  Forecasted expected revenue, and cost of  OEM hardware.


Designed and prepared training  for U.S. wide field sales administration offices in support of  product  introductions, and  for  order management.  Traveled to HP sites to deliver instruction,  and to resolve business issues.   Visited with HP customers in the US  to resolve business issues.   Assisted field  offices  with account management, and with issues resulting from delayed and  canceled  contracts.


May 1981 – May 1984 Order Coordinator/Systems Administrator - Medical Supplies Center

Administer orders for medical supplies and instrumentation.




 Franklin Pierce College: Salem, New Hampshire: MIS Degree
Framingham State College: Framingham, MA: Certificate Program, PC Technician and repair
US Army Warrant Officer Candidate School: Fort McCoy Wisconsin: Graduated February 1991
Information Systems Officer Course: Data Communications/Local Area Networking, April 1992
Defense Language Institute Spanish language, and Lithuanian (honor graduate in both)

Various Corporate sponsored seminars including: Team Building, Training and Project management, effective presentations, and process analysis



 Currently teaching at APEC and CENLA - Experience includes over 20 years in corporate and business training, computing, contract management, and consulting, along with 11+ years military experience and information management. Extensive experience in training management, training logistics and planning, delivery of instruction, customer service, contract and order management.

