全国招聘外教 多、快、好、省   188-8885-0127




  • 国籍: 加拿大
  • 语言:英语
  • 学历: 本科
  • 性别: 男
  • 工作性质: 全职
  • 出生:未知年
  • 工作经验:>5(年)
  • 到岗: 越快越好
  • 所在地:加拿大
  • 期望工作地点: 国内
  • 期望税后薪资: 3000-4000(Yuan/M)





 September 2013 ~ May, 2014   Jubail Institute  of Technology,                                     Saudi Arabia                                          Preparatory English Instructor:  The centered preparatory year program (PYP) about opening prospects for learning, and to ensure that the trainees on the language skills required and the necessary quantity and quality to be able to go successfully. Program focused on general knowledge and technical skills acquired to prepare them as elements of humanity can learn and grow after graduating from the institute. The program also keen to instill positive trend towards self-discipline to work. The preparatory year program focused on English language, information technology, computer, math and learning skills and self-learning, time management, work ethic and professional integrity.


June, 2013 ~ September, Free Lancer - Self-employed – TESOL Teachers Trainer,      Indonesia                                              Coaching and assisting new teachers with teaching strategies, lesson planning, classroom management and identification of curriculum resources for the purpose of improving instruction and helping new teachers become successful. Targets to develop the pedagogical skills and English language capacity of participants & teachers in order to improve the teaching and learning of English to use its significant experience in this sector to help meet these targets.                                                 

September 2012 ~ June, 213                NBU - North Border University           Saudi Arabia – “Arar” city          As PYP instructor, teaching ESL within a preparatory year program to improve English proficiency levels in order to help students gain entry into various academic programs.


Oct. 2011 ~ June, 2012    PYP English instructor    University of Hail            Saudi Arabia                         

Teaching the Preparatory English Program to prepare students to continue their technical or business training through the medium of English to fill the large gap between high school and university levels in terms of scientific knowledge, English language, discipline, and style of thinking. Foster an English language learning environment in every aspect of the student life to ensure a high level of English proficiency and communication skills that enable students to continue their university studies smoothly.

Other Duties & Responsibilities:

1. Taught ESL courses up to 20 hours per week as assigned.                                                                  

2. Maintained regularly scheduled office hours (10 hours per week).                                                    

3. Assisted students during office hours as appropriate.                                                                        

4. Participated in ongoing course development including the writing of course materials and tests.                                                                                                                                                                 5. Helped prepared, administered and evaluated tests of courses as required.                                

6. Assisted in the administration and evaluation of tests.                                                                       

7. Complied with all policies and procedures outlined to them by management.                            

8. Invigilated exams for programs and courses as required.                                                                 

9. Corrected and graded exams for programs and courses as required.                                          

10. Submitted all student marks and final grades for courses in appropriate systems.


Jan. 2011 ~ September 2011 Consultant/Instructor    Globe International School           Indonesia                                        Worked as TESOL Consultant/Coordinator & English instructor, all levels Elementary to adults & English Preparatory Year Program (PYP). Duties and Responsibilities Day-to-day activities as following:

Delivering lessons to a range of classes of different ages and abilities. Marking work, giving appropriate feedback and maintaining records of pupils' progress & development. Researching new topic areas, maintaining up-to-date subject knowledge, and devising and writing new curriculum materials.


Selecting and using a range of different learning resources and equipment, including podcasts and interactive whiteboards. Undertaking pastoral duties, such as taking on the role of form tutor, and supporting pupils on an individual basis through academic or personal difficulties. Preparing pupils for qualifications and external examinations, managing pupil behavior in the classroom and on school premises, and applying appropriate and effective measures in cases of misbehavior. Supervising and supporting the work of teaching assistants, trainee teachers and newly qualified teachers (NQTs) also participating in and organizing extracurricular activities, such as outings, social activities and sporting events.

Participating in departmental meetings, parents' evenings and whole school training events & liaising with other professionals, such as learning mentors, careers advisers, educational psychologists and education welfare officers, plus undergoing regular observations and participating in regular in-service training (INSET) as part of continuing professional development.


July 2010 ~ Dec. 2010,  SCHOOL PRINCIPAL  Bandung International  School         Indonesia                                                                    As Principal was responsible for leadership and management, implementation of all policies, day-to-day functioning and routine operations of the school, and also included overseeing curriculum implementation, management and monitoring of teaching and learning programs, supervision of student assessment process and systems, health and safety, student welfare, staff selection, supervision and professional development, registers of enrolment and daily attendance, maintenance of buildings, and Management of facilities, resources and equipment. Also teaching students high levels of Gen. English, History & Economic, Examination Preparatory Courses, TOEIC, IELTS & TOEFL. Other tasks & responsibilities were including:

• Administrative Responsibilities.                                                                                                                                        • Departmental Representation.                                                                                                                                       • Curriculum Leadership.                                                                                                                                               • Faculty-Related Activities.                                                                                                                                                  • Student-Related Activities.

Administrative Responsibilities:

1.      Prepared departmental course schedules                                                                                                          2.      Conducted department meetings and established specific work groups and       subcommittees as needed                                                                                                                                                                                3.      Wrote annual reports, planned and budgetary documents.                                         

4.      Revised the college catalog, admissions, and departmental brochures                                                   5.      Conducted necessary departmental correspondence,                                                                              6.      Forecasted departmental activities such as honorary societies, newsletters,    lecture series, scholarship awards, career colloquia, student award activities, receptions.                                                                                                                                                               7.      Supervised work study students

Departmental Representation:

1.      Communicated department needs to the administration                                                                       2.      Staffs admissions activities                                                                                                                              3.      Met with the dean and other department heads                                                                                               4.      Served as point of contact for outside groups and organizations                                                         5.      Attended Status Committee meetings when appropriate

Curriculum Leadership:

1.      Initiated program review when necessary                                                                                                          2.      Proposed departmental curriculum changes                                                                                                         3.      Reviewed and approved proposals to be submitted the BOI                                                                           4.      Facilitated discussions on teaching                                                                                                                        5.      Coordinated assessment activities.

Faculty Related Activities:

1.      Arranged suitable staffing for all courses,                                                                                                            2.      Supervised searches for full time faculty positions,                                                                                            3.      Recruit, interviewed, hired, and supervised adjunct faculty,                                                                              4.      Observed and evaluated the work of adjunct and untenured faculty,                                                                            5.      Worked with faculty throughout tenure, promotion, and sabbatical processes,                                                   6.      Wrote letters of support for faculty,                                                                                                 

7.      Encouraged and assisted professional development and scholarly activities of all faculty,                                                      8.      Responded to address faculty concerns,

Student Related Activities:

1.      Insured advisement of departmental majors and minors,                                                                        2.      Resolved individual issues related to departmental requirements or offerings,                                          3.      Processed complaints related to classes or faculty,




June 2009 ~ June, 2010  TESOL Instructor  KFUPM – Dammam  College    Saudi Arabia

English & Science instructor for the Preparatory English Program at KFUPM aims at preparing newly admitted students for their undergraduate studies at the University. The English Language Preparatory Year Program (PYP) aim to further advance the English proficiency of Saudi students moving into the university system, as well as existing academics looking to improve their level of English comprehension and spoken ability.


Oct. 2008 ~ May 2009 Consultant/TESOL Teacher  JIC College / University of Nanjran Saudi Arabia                 Taught the Preparatory English Program to prepare students to continue their technical or business training through the medium of English.  Taught and managed classes for mostly beginning language learning. Developing lessons using standard lesson planning as well as applicable technology. I invigilate exams and keep students records and attendance.


Mar. 2007 ~ Oct. 2008     J.C Private English School,             Elementary ~ Adults           South Korea                       As teacher of English was responsible for providing an educational atmosphere where students have the opportunity to fulfill their potential for intellectual, emotional, physical, spiritual and psychological growth. Was responsible for organizing and implementing an instructional program that would result in students achieving academic success in accordance with Academy policies.


Jan. 2004 ~ Mar 2007     Olicos Language School (P.T),     Elementary ~ Adults       United States                 Teaching new immigrants. The main responsibility was to help the participants understand English, speak it and be able to write and read it. My duties range from the preparation of course work, planning of classes and the marking of work handed in. At this school teachers concerned on daily communication enable to make them ready for the labor job markets.  So there was a strong emphasis on dialogue and role-playing & conversation.


Jul. 1997 ~ Oct. 2003 Educational Project Manager/Consultant Elementary ~ Adults  South Korea          Within the mission, vision and values of the university, under minimal supervision, the Manager of Academic Affairs oversees and directs the day-to-day Academic Affair’s activities with responsibility for overall management and execution of the university PYP curriculum, including faculty, assessment, records management and academic guidance and governance at the campus level in accordance with the university policies and procedures. Responsible for all aspects of the adult education program including management of program budget and work plan, supervision of staff and development, scheduling and teaching of classes and workshops and in general ensuring program success. Some of the responsibilities were as follows:

• Made sure the programs quality; including program delivery, scheduling, and curriculum development.                          • Developed and managed program budget and work plan.                                                                                                 

• Responsible for planning, tracking and reporting on program deliverables.                                                                

• Created and developed curriculum, outlines, handouts and visual aids for classes.                                                          • Attended staff meetings, supported events and other duties related to being a member of the staff.                                 • Evaluated personnel performance and provides feedback and appropriate follow-up                                                       • Scheduled observation of instructional staff with follow-up conferences                                                                            • Demonstrated knowledge of current employee contracts                                                                                                   

• Did timely notification of vacancies and/or staffing                                                                                                             

 • Cooperated with personnel and business offices                                                                                                              

• Demonstrated appropriate interview skills                                                                                                                         

• Established and monitors work hours/schedules of staff                                                                                                   

Sep. 1995 ~ Jun.1997 SEES English,  Teaching New Immigrants, Basic Conversation Toronto

Provided students with appropriate EFL instruction that was aligned with curriculum and standards. Prepared materials and classrooms for class activities. Provided students with the necessary English skills through speaking, listening, reading and writing instruction, and adapting teaching methods and materials to meet students’ needs. Developed creative lesson plans to integrate EFL skills around relevant vocational themes and topics and maintained accurate progress reports for each student.  Worked closely with the Academic Coordinator to develop curriculum materials to meet the specific English language needs of students.


Jan. 1994 ~ May 1995     Rich-view High Public School, Taught Mats & Science Toronto-Canada          Delivered lessons in accordance with school teaching principles and focused on the interests and needs of the students, worked with private students and groups of differing sizes at the Center and at off-site locations Integrate learning technology into teaching programs, as required by the curriculum or requested by the students. Kept student records up to date as required and/or requested.




 Summary of Qualifications: Planned, developed, conducted and evaluated language training. Instructed English to speakers of other languages. Taught English grammar, writing, speaking and listening skills. Instructed the structure of the English, rules of composition, grammar and the meaning and spelling of words. Conducted presentations on technical and business writing skills.
Substantial communication and interpersonal skills,
Immense ability to explain complex syntactic structures of the target language,
Familiar with Arabic, French, German, Spanish and Italian,
Profound ability to communicate effectively with people of diverse cultures and language groups,
Sound knowledge of speech language pathology,


 Nationality: Canadian-Toronto
Education: Master of Education in TESOL,
Other Certification: BA + BS + PGCE + TESOL
Experience: 21 years of Int’l. Teaching exp.
Expertise: 8 years preparatory English Program,
Available: Within 2 weeks’ notice,


