全国招聘外教 多、快、好、省   188-8885-0127




  • 国籍: 西班牙
  • 语言:英语
  • 学历: 硕士
  • 性别: 女
  • 工作性质: 全职
  • 出生:1982年
  • 工作经验:>5(年)
  • 到岗: 越快越好
  • 所在地:西班牙巴塞罗那
  • 期望工作地点: 只能在北京
  • 期望税后薪资: 8000-11000(Yuan/M)




 PRO-EXPO SL. Barcelona, Spain, 2013-2014. (Actually)

Production Department in a booth design agency

Budgeting, negotiation with clients, designers and solution providers, supervising the set up. 

Managing the entirely project from briefing till dismantle of the booth.


Marcus Evans Group, Barcelona, Spain, 2013

Sales Senior executive LATAM and EMEA, Sponsorship Team. 

- International sales working selling conferences around the globe. Cold calls to CEOs, Director and Managers. 


Freelancer interior designer and art direction, Barcelona, Spain

Interior designer for the company Chic Room properties, Barcelona Spain, 2013-2014 (actually)

Interior designer and décor stylist for the company OH-Barcelona, Spain, 2012-2013

Art direction and sponsorship team for Ted-X Vitória, Oporto, 2013.

Interior Design for a charity dental clinic and NGO headquarters in Barcelona, 2011- 2012.

Councilor, art director assistant and set designer in the short film Happy Face, Director Marc Juvé, Barcelona, 2012.

Design production for the Barcelona Gran Casino and Mas Soler 2011-2012.

Art direction assistant in the short film, Diacronia, Director Eduard Riu, Barcelona, 2011.

Art direction and stylist for the Yelmo Cine publicity Spot, Director Marta Pelegrin, Barcelona, 2011


NGO DSR, Barcelona, Spain, 2010

Voluntary - construction of sustainable clinics in Peru. 


Acefat, Infraestructuras de Servicios Públicos, Barcelona, Spain, 2009-2012

Manager corporate resources, (management of public works permits).

Quality technician, (construction following of the works of the urban services).


Exposed, S.L. , Barcelona, Spain, 2009

Amplified and Apple Bottoms stands design, for the fashion fair, Bread and Butter. 

Event production in the creation of the fair Stitch London: http://stitch-london.com/


Grup Interdec de Joan Font, Barcelona, Spain, 2007-2008

Interior design: bars, clubs, shops and particular houses.

Interior design and construction following: Valderrobles Hotel, Teruel, Spain.


Studio Architettura Paolo Deganello (Grupo Archizoom), Milan, Italy, 2007

Professional internship has interior designer.  

- Works in graphic design, interior projects for two particular houses, one in Catania and another in Firenze and re-design of the Gecky lamp.

Ingeniería S.G.P.E, Porto, Portugal, 2006

Autocad drawer



 Elisava - Escola Superior de Disseny, Barcelona, Spain, 2010

Post graduation in Eco-living – Drawing the sustainable house.


 ESAD- Escola Superior de Artes e Design, Porto, Portugal, 2002 – 2006

Interior Design degree. Erasmus Program in Facultá Frederico II, Naples,  2004 - 2005


Escola Secundária Almeida Garrett, V.N. Gaia, Portugal, 1999-2002

Communication Design professional course.




2,外教是硕士学位,男朋友现在北京工作,只要是在北京, 外教将会相当的稳定。 



