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发布:5/18/2015 3:13:15 PM作者:Lisa点击:1110

Teach english in kingdergarten

There are a lots of foreign teachers every year that wants to teach kids like the kingdergarten schools, and the training centers, i have to admire those foreign english teachers all over the world who likes to teach in the kingdergarten, cause we all know that kids are always very hard to deal with, cause they are too young and too hard to control, so they are really great teachers and very much patient, i really admire those teachers who can work in the kingdergarten, they are greatfull teachers and also more patient teachers, they need to pay a lot to work in the kingdergarten, and also they need to love kids so much, and they need to love to stay and play with them all the time, and also they need to be patient enough to work and deal with them, cause kids are always crying and not listen to you well, so thats why you need to have enough patient to work with them, and to play with them, cause i know myself that if it is me, i will not be able to work with small kids cause i have no way to control them, that is me, but just saying that if.

So as i said that not all foreign teachers can work in the kingdergarten, there are some of them that tried once and failed, so you need to have such kind of kingdergarten teaching expericences and then you can work in the kingdergarten, and also for the teachers who can work in the kingdergarten schools that must be young and lively enough, will be able to sing and dance for the kids and then you can get a kingdergarten job, to work in the kingdergarten there are a lots more you need to do is that to welcome and send the kids everyday in the morning and afternoon, and also will need to have some communications with the parents, and letting them know that how their kids preformance in the school, are they be treating welled? And are they listening to the teachers? And so on, so this is a lots of work to do, and you are not only need to have patient to the kids but also need to have enough patient to the parents, cause they will like and need to talk to you and ask a lots of questions, and also they are wondering how their kids be treated in the school, are they like the foreign teachers? Is the foreign teachers good enough for their kids? And do they like the foreign teachers’s class?

So after all of these you need to know one thing clear is that to work in the kingdergarten is not easy at all, you really need to pay a lots, its more like nanny i think, and i guess thats why that lots of foreign teachers that dont want to work in the kingdergarten and they would more prefer to work with older students like the middle school to high school or university level, so this is very well to be understood, so when i do this i always make clear of what they really want and what they really need and then try to get them the most suitable jobs as soon as possible, so i think this is good for them and good for me, also good for the schools, cause it will not waste anybody’s time for getting the wrong teachers, i know it very well, so i will always do my best for my foreigner friends, and they all reply on me and trust me very much.

And there is still another questions is that to work in the kingdergarten is not kind of easy at all, and also the students are at the very begining to study english, so they know nothing about english, and they can not understand english at all, so sometimes that the schools need the foreign teachers will be able to speak chinese, even just the basic chinese and can have simple and basic communications with the kids, other wise they will not be able to understand what you are saying at all, so i think this work needs the foreign teachers no need to have high skills in english, just that it need you to be more active and more lively in the class and will need you to have more patient enough with them and be able to stay and play with them and dont let them cry all the time, and then i think you are doing more great job in there, ans also the school need them more to be like a publicity staff in their school and can bring more students to them.


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