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发布:6/11/2015 2:45:37 PM作者:pinwaiyi.com点击:1515

About health insurance with the foreign teachers


When a foreigner wants to work in china, then there are a lots of things that they need to think about and concerns, one of them is the health insurance, not all of them cares of this cause they think that they can handle it very well, so they don't pay much attention on it, but there are some that cares about it very much, and it is very important to them, cause once they are sick or have accident in china then this is the most important for them, its the guarantee for their health, so that's why they cares about it so much.

Normally is the school that will buy the health insurance for the foreign teachers, and this is the normal thing that once u wants to hire a foreign teacher then u just have to buy them a health insurance for the guarantee of their right and the health, so most of the schools know about it very clearly, so they will definitely buy the health insurance for their foreign teachers, its good for the school and also good for the foreign teachers, also there are different about the health insurance, one is comprehensive health insurance and another one is unilateral health insurance, so most of the school will buy the foreign teachers the send one, its unilateral health insurance, that is accidental medical insurance and also there is commercial accident medical insurance, also there is commercial comprehensive medical insurance, so it depends on the school that which one they buy for the foreign teachers, but those are the most common health insurance that the school are always use, it is always good to have a health insurance and no matter what kind of health insurance that you have but its always good to have one, as for the foreigners that they have more stronger consciousness about the medical insurance, as you know that in the foreign countries that almost everyone has a medical insurance, its very common in their country, especially in the Europe and the America, so they all have one or more health insurance, this is very common for them, but in china in the past times that it has not been paid high attention with, but now most of the people that have one or more health insurance, so it has become more and more common in china now, and people has paying more and more attention on the medical insurance now, so it shows that china the development has really developed, this is the good thing to do, and there are a lots of those issues that when u had problems and when you had accident that this insurance will protect you from the hurts, i have seen this problem before that one of our foreign teachers that in the school had problems with the health insurance, he had hurt himself and went to the hospital for a small operations, and also for the medical cares, and in total he has spent more than 2000rmb for this accident, so after he got better and get out of the hospital he has asked us to pay him back, and also he has asked the school too to pay him back for his losses, but the problems is that the school did not buy him any of the health insurance, so he has to fight for it and keep on causing troubles for us and the school.

Because of this this foreign teacher has also try to threat us and the school that if we don't pay him back that he will report this to the foreign affairs about this and let us and the school to pay the price for it and also let us to sacrifice for it, cause he said that it is his right to do so, and us and the school should take this responsibility of it and we should have bought him the health insurance and reimburse him for the expenses that he has paid, so this really caused us so much troubles and also caused the school so much inconvenient because of this, and at the end of this that the school has decide to pay him back like 70% of his expenses and also decide not to use him anymore, and just fired him after all this, so this guy just loose his job because of what he has done for this matters, so finally i think that this guy really lost so much just because of this issues and which is not worth is at all, and this should not happen in the first place really.



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